Spirit o[Morton Job Fair Being Held at ECCC
Training Center in Louisville
lo be etJgJOIC TO participate in the 10 the job fair, applicants MUST bring the following: a resume that includes education and past work history with references and telephone numbers· two (2) proofs ofidentifica~ tion, laminated social secu– rity cards WILLNOT be ac– cepted; however, birth cer– ~ifi~ates WTLL be accepted mhcu oflaminated social se– curity cards; and certificates of training and/or tran– scripts if an applicant holds an. Associate's Degree. Ap– plicants without resumes and required documenta– tion will not be seen. For additional in– formation, contact Shelley Thomas, ECCC Louisville Site Coordinator, Phone 662- 536~ 1150; Email, sthomas@eccc.cdu; or go to www.eccc.edu/workforce :or a detailed flyer regard– mg the Job Fair.
Taylor Machine Works is recruiting nev. em– ployees for their Louisville and Philadelphia sites through a job fair that is be– ing held at the East Central Community College Career Advancement Center lo– cated in the old Spartus fa– cility at 923 South Church Street in Louisville. The job fair is made possible through a collaborative ef– fort and joint partnership between Taylor Machine Works, ECCC Workforce Development Center, the Winston County WIN Job Center, and the Winston and Neshoba County Eco– nomic Development Partner– ships. The Job Fair will be held on Thursday, May 19, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00p.m.; Friday, May 20, from I 0:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m.; and Satur– day, May 21, from 8:00a.m. to Noon. Anyone with train-
ing/education and/or work experience (two years pre– ferred) in the following fie lds, are encouraged to apply: Machinists, Welders, Assembly Level 3, Assem– bly Level 5, Fabricating Group Operators, and Fin– ished Painters. . .. , . .
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