WEEKOF3 }2D( // ECCC selects Muse for MCC Sports Hall of Fame He was known as the
year as president of Hinds Community College in Raymond, is being recog– nized for his athletic accomplishments with his selection to theMississippi Community College Sports Hall of Fame. The induction ceremo– ny is scheduled at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, at the Hilton Jackson on County Line Road. A reception at 6:15p.m. begins the annu– al program. Dr. Muse, who was cho-
sen for the honor by the ECCC Alumni Association Officers and Board of Directors, said he was "pleased and very hon– ored" that ECCC had selected hlln as its newest inductee into the Miss– issippi Community College Sports Hall of Fame." The longtime Hinds Community College leader said he has "many fond memories" of his two years as a student-athlete on the EC campus.
"I have a great fond– ness for the days I spent .at East Central, particu– larly the great coaches and teachers that I was privileged to have as a student," said Dr. Muse. "T he
captain his senior season. At EC, Muse often led the Warriors in scoring and accounted for 23 of East Central's 57 points in a thre~point win over arch-rival East Mississ– ippi near the end of the 1947-48 season. In recog– nition of his success, Muse _!_ who served as team captain - was named Most Valuable Player his sophomore campaign. He was also a member of the 1948 EC track team, specializing in the mile run. After his EC career , Muse accepted a scholar– ship offer to Southwest– ern Louisiana, but later decided to enroll at Delta State, where he was a member of the 1950-51 and 1951-52 basketball squads and served as captain his senior season. He helped lead the Statesmen to the NAIA regional title and a berth in the national tourna– ment. Muse's coaching stops include Canton and Starkville. While at Starkville, Muse is cred– ited with inventing the game ofT-Ball.
"Sebastopol Flash" in high school, and par– layed his bas- from ketball talents school at SHS into reports s u ccessful careers at then East Central Junior College in Decatur and Delta State University in Cleveland. He also experienced a successful coaching career on the hardwood. Dr. Clyde Muse, cur– rently serving his 33rd
opportu– nity given to me by Coach Vmcent to play bas– ketball at E a s t was one for which
-.w~- Central Dr. Clyde Muse I will forever be grateful." He continued, "East Central certainly gets part of the credit for the achievements in my lif~ time. Had it not been for ECCC, I would not have traveled the path that led to a satisfying and rewMd– ing career in education." Dr. Muse was a thr~ year letterman at Sebastopol and helped lead the Bobcats to sever– al championships, includ– ing the Scott County Tournament title in 1946. ,He received Most Valuable Player honors and was chosen team
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