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ECCC Gold Room named for longtime staff member special to The Star
college's Committee to Study and Recommend Names for Campus Buildings and Facili– ties. Dr. Stacey Hollingsworth, executive director for founda– tion and alumni relations, is credited with making the rec– ommendation to the ECCC Board. "Ms. Molly has served the col)ege for 34 years and remains a loyal and beloved member of the EC fan1ily," said Hollingsworth. "She has greeted countless numbers of students, faculty, staff and visi– tors as they enter the cafe-
teria. "As an EC alumna and a life– time member of the Alumni Association, she continues to contribute her financial sup– port to the collcge 'through various fundraising activities, and as always, her contribu– tions to the college are given from the heart. If money is needed to support an athletic t"eam's trip to a national tour– nament or to support a special fundraising project on campus, Ms. Molly is always one of the very fust individuals to give to the cause." · Hollingsworth said the Col-
lege and Valley Services Inc., which operates the cafeteria, announced plans to make var– ious renovations to the Molly
DECATUR-The Gold Room in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria on East Central Com– munity College's campus has a new name: it's now known a's the Molly McGee Gold Room, in honor of the longtime cafe– teria staff member, announced ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin. The name change was offi– cially approved at the Dec. 14, 2010, meeting of the ECCC Board of Trustees, which unanimously endorsed the measure as proposed by the
McGee Gold Room. A fundraising drive is also planned to assist in the project.
She said Valley is hosting a reception honoring ''Ms. Molly" after the first of the year and will be announced at a later date. For more information, con– tact Hollingsworth, (601) 635- 6327 or call toll free, 877-462- 3222, ext. 327. The e-mail address is sholling@eccc.edu.
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