WEEK OF II &( I II ECCC names 2011 HEADWAE honorees
special t o The Star Biology instructor Curt Skipper of Decatur and sophomore Anna Alexander of Little Rock will represent East Central Community College at the 2011 HEADWAE Program scheduled Feb. 3 in Jackson. The annual HEADWAE (Higher Edu– cation Appreciation Day: Working Toward Academic Excellence) obser– vance is sponsored by the Mississippi Legislature, coordinated by the Missis– sippi Association of Colleges and Univer– sities and sponsored by the corporate community. Mississippi's Ueutenant Governor serves as chairman of HEADWAE, which recognizes outstanding faculty members and students from each participating member institution of the Mississippi Association of Colleges and Universities. "Our goal is to ensure a wonderful, exciting day of events for faculty and stu– dent honorees and their guests," said Lieutenant Governor Phil Bryant. Skipper joined the ECCC faculty in August 2006 after previously serving as a graduate assistant in the biology dep~rt ment at the University ofWest Alabama. He is also a former student teacher in chemistry and physics at Noxubee County High School. In addition to his teaching duties, Skipper serves as an advisor for Theta Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the interna– tional honor society for two-year colleges, and is a sponsor of the college's Environ– mental Club. Skipper, who has served as Science Division Chair in 2009, was selected a "Lamplighter" in 2008, an annual recogni– tion of the state's outstanding community and junior college instructors. He is also a member of the first graduation class of the Mississippi Community College Lead–
was sei•ect~~CI Maid of Honor, a freshman class t<>un.ril·<> and ser ved as freshman class secretary. She was also a member ofThe Wo-He-Lo yearbook staff her freshman year Alexander also won various honors her freshmen year including first-place awards in public speaking and parliamen– tary procedure in the statewide Phi Beta Lambda competition and fini shed sixth and fourth, respectively, in the national contest. Other honors received include an ECCC Presidential Scholarship, ACT Scholarship, Clayton Blount Scholarship, Sam Walton Community Scholarship, PEO Star Scholarship, Margaret Mosal PTK Scholarship, Concert Choir Scholar– ship and several 4-H scholarship awards. Alexander is the daughter of Grorge and Cindy Alexander of Little Rock. In addition to statewide recognition. a booklet will be published featuring photo– graphs and biographical sketches of each honoree representing Mississippi's public and private colleges and universi– ties.
degrees nity College in
and received a bachelor's degree in secondary education from Mississippi State University in Starkville and a master's degree from the University of West Alabama in Livingston. Skipper is married to the former Felecia George of Damascus and they have an infant son, Noah Robert Skipper. Alexander, a communications major and President's List Scholar, is a home– schooled student. She holds several leadership positions on the EC campus, including president of Theta Xi Chapter of PhlTI1eta Kappa, the international honor society for tWo-year colleges; president of the Presidents' Council; and vice president of the student body association. She also serves on the Baptist Student Union Council and is a member of 'The Way" Drama Team. In addition, Alexander is a member of the Lady Warrior Tennis Team, Warrior Corps, The Tom-Tom newspaper staff, Environmental Club, Concert Choir and Wesley Foundation.
ership Academy, recognized in 2010. Agraduate of Central Academy in Macon, Skipper holds two associate 1-U""t"t:AKt:U IN :
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