ECCC excited to hit the court from school reports

Region 23. >1.11-State and All-Star honors. She is con– tinuing her athletic career at Marshall University. Smith said replacing Dale will not be easy, but he is confident that the returning sophomores will provide the point produc– tion and leadership needed . for a successful season. His four returnees are guards Hannah Lee (5-11) of Leake Academy, Danielle Cole (5-7) of Philadelphia, Yolanda Jones (5-5) of Lake and Sierra Croff (5-4), a product of Newton County High School. With only four _. returnees, Smith said the team's success will also "I hope they (freshmen) can adjust to the college game in a hurry," Smith said of the nine freshmen, his largest group since taking over the women's program in 2005. 'They will have to contribute early for us to be suc– cessful." Newcomers include guards Alise Bryant (5-4) of Northwest Rankin, Shanequa Bukfin (5-3) of Scott Central, Shantell Neely (5-3) of Searcy, Ark. and Demetria Slocum (5-5) of Bradford, Fla.; forwards Xenobia Lavender (5-11) of Neshoba Central, Quen– tinette Odom (5-8) of Scott Central and Sharae Pigucs (5-10) of Olive Branch; and center Bianca Thomas (6- 3) of Sebastopol. Kristin Chaney begins her second year as Smith's assistant. Bowie is also optimistic about his Warriors and has high hopes of producing the team's first winning season since taking over ·..., xogram in 2006. La':.1 )ear's :,quad finished ~17. "I love the ~-a} my~} depend on how the fre~hmen perform. Noxapater, Jakiala McWilliams (5-7) of

size," Bowie added, ..but, although small, we are a smart team and verv di'lci- plined." · Bowie said his goals this year are "to graduate all our sophomores and giVe it all we got every day or night and play for a champi– onship." Only three sophomores return from last year's squad, but Bowie said all three will be considered "captains and supervisor'S." "Each player has a dif– ferent job to do and each one has definitely taken the bull by the horns and embraced his position and goal," he said. Returnees arc point guard Antonio Grace (5-7) and shooting guard Steve Edwards (6), both prod– ucts of Newton High School; and guard Kenneth Thomas (6-4) ofJackson Provine. The fourth-year head coach is also complimen– tary of his freshman players. "I'm very pleased with the players we recruited this year because they all want to be a part of some– thing special and are willing to work hard to get it," Bowie said. "Not all kid! are going to put in the work, but this group has gone beyond what we asked them to do.'' Freshman squad mem– bers are guards Joshua Carothers (5-8) and Kendall Jackson (6-1), both of Columbus, Kenondre Hodges (5-11) ofNewton, Jasper Bronson (6') of Forest Hill, Greg Hodo (6- 3) of Northwest Rankin and Kendrick McKee of Scott Central; shooting guard Victor Taylor (6') of Nox– ubee; point guard Shelton Banks (5-9) ofMorton: for– wards Titus Mims {6-7) and Jonathan McLenden (6- both products of Alief Hasting High School· Houston Texas; and Sa\'

DECATIJR-lf pre– season workouts are an indication of what's to come. then East Central Community College's bas– ketball squads can look for– ward to successful seasons. Both head coaches - Bill Smith, who returns for his :ifth season leading the Larh ·warriors, and Mau– rice Bowte, set to begin his fourth sea on as Warrior head mentor- expressed confidence about their respective squads, who began the 2009-10 cam– paign Monday at Holmes Community College in Goodman. The LadyWarriors and Warriors .,, ill also be on the road Thursdav at Ea:::.t ~ib­ sissippi Comrrmnity Col– lege. The women's game is set to begin at 5:30p.m. fol– lowed by the men's matchup at 7:30p.m. The first home games are scheduled Saturday against Northeast Missis– sippi Community College. The women's contest is set for 2 p.m. followed by the men's game at 4 p.m. in the Brackeen-Wood Phy&ical Education Building. "Our team has really been working hard in the off season and hopefully it will pay off when the season gets under way," said Smith, whose 2008-09 squad advanced to post– season play before fin– ishing at 17-10. '1bis is a much faster team than last year and can r un the floor better," he said. "We are also a lot smaller but hopefully our guard play will improve." One of Smith's main goals this season is another return to the post-season and hopefully a champi– onship. The 2007-08 squad won the Re~don 23 title and advanced to the NJCAA Tournament in Salina. Kan.. finiShing at22 The I.aeyK

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