EC squads spanked I . by visiting Co-Lin An open -date could not
'They outplayed w. tonight," Smith said. "I don't think we played very hard the whole game. We didn'tl>hoot the ball. When you shoot 35 percent from Lhe floor. you're not going to beat anybody" With the loss, EC and Jones County are tied for se~ond tn the South at 5-2. Gulf C'oa~t Is 3-4 followed by Southwest at 1~ 4. Hmd-. and P\:arl Ra,·c, arc each 1-6. Smtth :;aid I~C\ tix:u' is of-51 (35.3 percent) from the noor, and connected on just two-of-12 aucmpts from thrce– potnt range. EC made 16 of 24 free throws (06.7 percent). R.tchel Vigers led Co-Lin wtth 16 pomh The Lady Wolve~ made 24- ol 5X (41 .t percent) shors from the noor. rhey connected on two ol three trey~; (66.7 per– cent) and were 16of 18 (88.9) from thc. fn:l' throw ltne. In the men's game. EC 'tntggk-.1 thmu6hout the dtvi– ~ion tnutdlllp and the Wolves trlli!il'd tn llll IW 7 1 .t3 VICtory. With tl: ln,s, £:.( dropped to X- 12 ovcnall and 2..5 mthe divi– l'ion undl·t third year head 1;11aCh M:i111il:e Bowie. Co· Ltn impruvcu to I0 I0 and 4-3. Junt Cuunty lcaJ~ the s·outh at 7 0 lollowcd b) Gulr Coast m 5 , (. 'o Lan i~ lied with Pearl RiH•r and l.C and Hinds have the ~ame tecords. Southwest is winlc~s at 0 6. · Jthh Luckett of Carthage and Devan1s "Scooter" Walker, .1 Ne\\.ton County High School prodtll.:t, led l::.C with 10 points each. Luckett led in rebounds with ""·Abo !>Coring were Rod Lorton of Forest and Newton High School product Antonio Grace of Meridian. sax each; Rtco Jones of Forest, live; Ken– neth Barlow of Scott Centml. four; and Chucky Curry of Newton, two. come at a better time for Lhe East Central Community Col– lege's ba.'lketball squad'> who arc licking their wounds follow– ing setbacks to Copiah-Lincoln Community College teams Thursday night in Decatu1. The anticipated showdown between Lhc top two women's teams in the MACJC South Di– vtsion did not ll\e up to its bilhng a~ the nationally-ranked Lady Wolve:- led throughout most of the t:ont' '' and claimed an easier-than-expected· ll6·54 win over tlw I .allv Warriili'S. FC. \\.hic.:h tell to 15 5 Oh'l· all and 5-.2 111 lcal!uc play, ll·d only once m th~: d" 1 mn h.ttllc. when Hannah U..>c ' layup with JUSt eight mmutcl. rcmatning in first-half uc:uon gave the httmc team an IX-1 7- atlvuntagc.: The eighth-ranl,:ed Lady Wolve-.. y,ho improved to IX I and kad the dtvi!>ion at 6-0. dosed out the first half on a ?0-5 tun anll had a comfortable 37-23 lead at the brcal,.. Co-Lin cxtenllcd its lead to 48-29 \Hth 16;()9 rcmammg. The Lady Waniors trimmed the deficit to 63-51 with about three mmutes left but could get no closer. following the disappointing los11, Lady Warrior head coach Bill Smith. who recently ob– sef\cd his SOOth career victory, gave credit to Lhe Lady Wolves. u.. 0 ~ w w 3: ECPhoto 0.. Scott Central product Kenneth Barlow (12) and Co-Lin's en Trent Hutchin (23) battle for the rebound during the Warriors' 72-43 setback to the visiting Wolves Thursday night.
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