Lady Warrior prepare for tour ament SPECIAL TO THE liMES

son at 19-21 overall and 12-12 in league play under sixth-year head coach Scott Hill and first- ·)Car assistant Kristin Chancy. The Lad) Diamond Warriors enter this weekend's MACJC State Softball Tournament as the No 4 seed from South and \\ill take on North top-seed Northwest Mississippi Community College at 2 p.m. Friday in first-round action of the two-day event. being hosted b) Copiah-Lincoln Community College in Wesson. Semi-finals are scbeduJed at

noon and 2 p.m. Saturday fol– lowed hy the championship game at 4 p.m. In addition to East Central and Northv.est, other teams par– ticipating in the singh!-elimina– tion tournament are Co-Lin. Pearl River, Ita\\ amba, Gulf Coast and East Mississippi. Northeast and llolmes will battle fo r the final pia> oiT spot. C:ast Ccntrnl managed just t\\o hit:. in the first loss to Pearl Rtvcr singles by Allison Ph1llips of 1 cake Academ}' and· Brittany Cochran, a product of

Newton Count) I ligh School Amber Smith of Union to(lk the loss on the mound, allm\ing eight earned runs on I J hits through five -and two-th irds innings. In the second game, Phillips led the offense with three sin– gles. Leake Acadern> product Hannah Lee of Philadelphia and Amy Sharp of Ncshoba Central had doubles each, and Cochrnn, Hailey Chisolm of Nc hoba Central and Emily I hrnsh of Sebastopol were credited with

singles each. Thrash and Leah Dennis o f Neshoba Central scored EC's runs. Codec Russell of Leake Acadcm) went the distance on the mound and took the loss. Shl' a llov.ed three earned runs on eight hits. She also fanned one batter and v.alked two. fhe ECCC Lady Warriors tast-pitch softball team is under the leadership of Coach Scoll Jlill. a native of Forest.

DEC~ftJR - Regult~r sea– son competition ended on :J dis– appointing note ti1r the playoff– bound East Central Communit) ollege fa..t-pitch soltllall team, as the Lnd) DiwnomJ Warriors were S'wept b) Pc. rl Rher ornmunity College in an lACJC South D1\ ist double- header Monda} on the Poplarville campus. Ea 1 Central Jell R 0 in the opener and lost 4-2 m the second contest to finish the rc •ular sea-

ECCCWantor Football Golf Tournament planned Saturday DECATUR - There's still time to s ign up for the 2009 East Central Communit) College Warrior Football Golf Tournament, announced Steve Cheatham, head football coach. Th1s year's event is scheduled Saturday, Aprtl 25, at Newton Country Club.

thn:c-person scramble, \\hicb provides funding tor the College's foot~ll pro– gram. Fnll) lee is $90 per team and include:. lunch nnd beverages. Door prizes will abo be awarded For tnformation call Coach Brian Anderson, 601-635-6244 (office), 601- 562-0356 (cell), or Coach Ky le Watson. 601 635-6348 (office), 601-934-2929.

A s hotgun start at 8:30 a.m begins the

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£CCC PHOTO East Central Community College recognized sophomore tennis players durlna a uremony held prior to the home fin le with Coplah-Uncoln Community College April 8 on the Decatur :ampus. Honorees include (from left) Hunter Huff and Moatt Wadt>, both of Forest; Scooter Nalker of Hickory nd tcylle Rtgdon of Union. Not plclUt t.l I• Lm nro 1011 of N w on >lanne O'Neill serv s s co ch.

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