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u. 0 X:: w w <': 0 w ....J I z 0 Dale lifts EC past Jones County; Warriors fall in OT l\1om.la) night \lACJC
for a ou//er-heating lay-in a-. time cxpired in ovenimc. and the dhi.,iol leading Bobcats came.- awa) with a ~tunning 9X- 96 UI!\..ISIOn o.. ue. a 5-8 guard and li.lrmcr Chodaw Central High School stanlkllll. pumped in .3~ points for the EC \VOilll'l1, \\ ho im– pron~d to 15-4 overall and 5-1 in division play, whik .lone~ JmpJ"!d to 13-5 and 4-2. The win alsp provided ECCC hcad coach Bill Smith with hi~ SOOth carCl'l' victm)'. In additiOn ro Dale, other EC
.~oren. were Hannah Lee of L~·af..c Academy. 16: Rashima Jcnk, ns. product of A1rhne lligh School in Bo~~1er C'ily, La II : DeShoun Spmes. of St. 1l1omas More lligh School in I..afayetlc' La., SC\ en. All'..ha McAfee of Nonhwcst Rankin, live; Danielll' Cole ol Ph•lndcl– phia, four: and Allio;on Ph1ll1p~ of Leake Academy. three. knk– ins led in rebound... '' ilh mne and Phillips had eight. Ea~t Central, \\hich jumped 0111 to nn early 19-6 kad. hdd a 45-38 advantage at the hrcak.
Jones battled bacf.. and t•cd lhc contc!>l at 77-77 wilh 2:2 sec– onds rcmatmng \\hen rucf..cr !>cored off an offens1ve rchound. Dale gave EC lhe lead for good with her Ire} from near the top oflhc key. In the men':-. conte~t. the Warriors seemed destined to win after sophomore Ja~.:ob Jor– dan of Opelousas, La.. ~.:onnect ed on one of t\\-0 fn."e-thro\\ at– tempt~ ami gave EC an 82-78 advantage .,.. ilh I 3 c;econd-.. rc maining. But Brandon Wilson of
J one~ responded \\ 1th a tllree– point play. as he scored and Jre\\ ..t lout v.ith 7.'2 ..,ccon s~..hool proJuc~ later tt-.:d It contest at 94-94 on h1s two fn thro\\s with 37 :2 'cconds TJ maining. Aft~r both tean tumetllhe ball m~..r on con.;ec live possesstons, Jones got tl hall and the stage was set I Singleton\ game-winning uri to lhe basket. Josh Lu1..kctt of' Cartha had :25 points to lead EC. AI -;coring were \\ :llker. 19 B: low, 15; Jordon, f 2· R1co Jor• of Forest. nine: \ntomo Gr •. of Nl!wton. eight. Rod Lofl of Forest. five: Kcnn} Thon of Jackson Provine, l'vl Chucky Cunv of Newton. 01 ~ z .,_ ....J 0::: < ::> 0 z 0 ::> w :E 0.. 0 0 0.. z u. 0 <( 0 0 .,_ z .,_ .,_ .,_ 0 en 0::: 0 z 0 z 3: 0.. en ::> en South Division rival-, Fast Ccn– tnl Con11numty Collegl tmd Jonc~ County Junior College– had their 1 !atnc decided on la'l– second :-.hots. In the women's contest. sophom.orc Mystcc Dale drained a thrce·JX)intcr with 9.1 :-,c~onds remaining. gi' ing the Lady Warriors an 80-77 victory bver tho Yisiting Lady Bolx:at'>. The Warriors were on the ~H(Ing end of fa,t-st.'C
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