ECCC honors SkillsUSA members ~ SUBMITIED PHOTO ~----.,_,rr---------:--:-----,-;-----------------------------------,
These students are members ~ of SkillsUSA at East Cent ral c Community Co llege In Decatur. Members and their c respective hometowns
_ Include (front row, from left) Jesse Dickerson, Edinburg; Jesse Holloway, Decatur; Brit– tany Cooper, Se bastopol; Jamey Taylor, Lake; Nancy Barnett, Philadelphia; Anna– beth Papalambros, Louisville; ~~::::;. ~_.,..,..,~\
Erica Dowe ll, Carthage; Danlelle Shoemaker, Decatur; and Crystal Tucker, Meridian; (second row, from left) carrie Stokes, Philadelphia; Payton Pierce, Madden; Bra ndon Caldwell, Carthage; Jamie Fortenberry, Forest; Ronald Spears, Louisville; Paige Wor– thy, Noxapater; Maree Kidd, Newton; Cory Bender,
Raleigh; and Felicia Sowell, Newton; (third row, from left) Carnell Gray, Quitman; Cody Mason, Union; Craig Lovell, · Newton; Jesse Savell, Decatur; Max Harvey, Mor- ~~ly~?h~~X ~:~~he~hi~a~n~~ ~ ........... ..,~.' ·-: .·- - ., - ~, ~· ;- ~ - phia; 'Brandon St~bblefleld, ~t;::;;;r. ,, :J» ,_&:4t"l} lWII V 0 1 · •~::&~ i i'J - Philadelphia; and Robin Crapps, Union; (fourth row, t ~--~~1...~~~~~~.,~~--~~- -~ from left) Frank Harris, lis- Lfollll.~~~~ .(~,.~""1'1 ... . ~ ¥&
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man, Ala.; Charles Johnson, Louisville; Antonio Nash, Carthage; Rona ld He aran, Louisville; Avery Morgan, Witchita, Kan.; Ge rmai11e Grace, Meridian; and Patrick Griffin, Union; (fifth row, from left) Richard Mosby, Decatur; lindsay Bozema n, Union; Johnathon Breedlove, Philade lphia; Tim Patterson, louisville; Sydney Tucker, Shelby Shelley and Adam Mclemore. all of Sebastopol;
tions and recognition of their mutua l Interdependence, and to create among students, faculty members, patrons of ;the school and persons in I Industry a sincere Interest in and esteem for trade, Indus– trial, technical and health •occupations education. The sponsors are lynn Selman and Sheri Cliburn.
Josh Taylor, Sebastopol; Jere– my Rogers, Rose Hill; Darre n Crader, Hickory; Joel Hardy, Forest; Kenny Drury, Noxapa· ter; Kassie Call, Charles Hamilton, Dustin Davis and Kurt Tolbert, all of Philadel– phia; and Eric Boone, Forest. The purpose of SkillsUSA Is to foster a wholesome under– standing of the functions of labor/management _organlza-
Hugh Vanlandingham, Noxap– ater; and Jeremy St ewart, louisville; (sixth row, from left) Alex Hamilton, Philadel– phia; Logan Hilliard, Louisville; Cory Fitzgerald, Lit– t le Rock; Eddie Fondre n, Union; Colton Fulton, Philadelphia; Amber Wall, Pe lahatchie; Hannah Watkins, Union; and Jason Thomas. Philadephia; (sev-
enth row, from left) Tre nt Hitt, Philadelph•a: Kristie Robinson, Forest; Amanda Partridge, Philadelphia; tan· dace Patrick, Forest ; Raquel Simmons, Philadelphia; Megan carlisle, Gilbertown, Ala.; Amy Johnson, DeKalb; Chanla Mickle!, Forest; Ash– ley Arrington, Newton; and Camala Palmer, Meridian; and (eighth row, from left)
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