WEEK OF l ~ -;(~ - O East Central names Warrior Corps members SPECIAL TO THETIMES Eighty-one students are members of the 2009-10 Warrior Corps at East Central Cominunity College, announced Student Services staffmembers Lanette Hanna and Romonica Evans, who serve as advisers. The Warrior Corps is a special group of students selected to assist the College in recruiting and provide assistance for various events and activities on the Decatur campu~ . . Students in the prestigious organization and their respective counties include the following: Warrior Corps mem– bers from Scott County include Reshetta Benton, Michael Ann Durham, Sami Elkins, Marissa Gordy, Jennifer Moore, Lindsey B ishop, Kimberly Patterson and Rochelsey Thomas. Benton, a sophomore pre-nursing ·major, is a member of the Gospel Choir and Diamond Darlings. She is a grad– uate of Forest High School, where she served as student body president and received the citizenship award. She was also an honor student and received Student of the Month honors. Her parents are Jerome Benton Sr. and Patricia C. Benton of Forest. Durham, a freshman pre-medicine major, is a member of Sigma Sigma Mu Tau. She was valedictorian at Scott Central High School and received Highest Honors Award in Chemistry II. Her parents are Mike and Ann Durham of Forest. Elkins, a freshman pre-nursing major, is a member of the Baptist Student Union, Lady Warrior tennis team and Centralettes, the dance line for the Wall 0 ' Sound Marching Band. She is a graduate of Forest High School, where she was named to the Hall of Fame and selected Most Intelligent. She was also a member of the Beta Club, Student Council and National Honor Society. Her parents are Howard and Sandy Elkins of Forest. Gordy, a freshman pre-nursing major, is a member of the ECCC Players and participated in the recent dinner the– ater production of"Mash." She is an honor graduate of East Rankin Academy, where she was Mu Alpha Theta treas– urer and member ofthe ACTTeam. Her parents are Wayne and Rachel Gordy ofForest. Moore, a freshman elementary education major, is a member of the Wall 0 ' Sound Marching Band and Baptist Student Union. She is a highest honors graduate of Forest High School, where she was named to the Hall of Fame and served as Homecoming Queen. Her parents are Shirley and Buddy Moore of Forest. Bishop, a freshman liberal arts major, is a member of the ECCC Players, Baptist Student Union and Centralettes, the dance line for the Wall 0 ' Sound Marching Band. She recently participated in the fall dinner theater presentation of "Mash." She is a graduate of Sebastopol High School and was selected Miss SHS, homecoming queen and sen– ior class favorite. She was voted Most Likely to Succeed and received the Citizenship Award. Her parents are Matt and Jill Bishop of Sebastopol. Patterson, a freshman pre-nursing major, is a member of Sigma Sigma Mu Tau. She is an honor graduate ofMor– ton High School and member of the National Technical Honor Society. Her parents are Tim and Rhonda Patterson ofMorton. Thomas, a sophomore pre-nursing major, is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Sigma Sigma Mu Tau. She was salutatorian at Forest High School, where she served as student body president and was president of the National Honor Society. She was also a Beta Club member and mentor for Mentoring Magic. Her parents are Ledora and Sammy Benton and Johnny Thomas. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN ---- -– NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL --- SPIRIT OF MORTON ------------------- MERIDIAN STAR______ ..NESHOBA DEMOCRAT____ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES - ---- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ---- CLARION-LEDGER -----------
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