~ - ECCC announces band members

These students are members ofthe trombone section in the Wall 0 ' Sound Marching Band at East Central Community College in Decatur. Pictured are (front row, from left) Marton Evans, Philadelphia; Jamie Fortenberry and Leslie Graham, both of Forest; Courtney Gammill, Lake; DeAngelo Stribling, Neshoba Central; and Corbin Jenkins, Carthage; and (back row, from left) Gareth Driskill, West Lauderdale; Edmund Fisher Jr., Philadelphia; Drew Johnston, Carthage; CarteIIus Lewis, Philadelphia; Caleb Jay, Neshoba Central; and Brecia Homesbuger, Louisville. Not pictured Is Griffin Burk, Neshoba Central. •

SUBMITTEDPHOTO These students are members ·Of the clarinet section In the Wall 0' Sound Marching Band ~t East Central Community College In Decatur. Pictured are (front row, from left) Jessica Cherry, Carthage; Tyler prewer, Forest ; Valerie Holmes, Louisville; Cherish Brown, Morton; and Ma r– ,qultta Moo~, Newton; and (back row, from left) Ashley Floyd,,lessica Kendrick and Hanna Burt, all of Neshoba Central; Demetria Coleman, Louisville; and Carollyn Young, Neshoba 'Central. SUBMITTED PHOTO

These students serves as managers for the Wall 0' Sound Marching Band at East Central Community College in Decatur. Pictured are (front row, from left) Nicole Franklin of Philadelphia, Amanda Hampton of Nanlh Waiya and Sara Williams of Philadelphia; and (back row,· from left) Tyter Woods .of Neshoba Central; James Latiker of Carthage; and Robert Hisaw of Nanlh Waiya.

These students are members of the pit section In the Wall 0' Sound Marching Band at East Central Community College In Decatur. Pictured are (front row, from left) Brittany Gibbs Lake; Teddy Bloodsaw, Forest; Stacy Willis, Union; and Tiffany Herrington, Newton County; and (back row, from left) Jonathan Crabtree, Warren Central; Dale Alberts, West Lauderdale; OJ. Harris, Su~I'CI!!L_R~b_!)le Faulk, Winsto~_Academy; and_ ~~!t~on Hushes,J'lewton Couotv.

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