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ECCC Cheerleaders Serving as East Central Community College cheerleaders for 2009-10 and their respective high schools are (front row, from left) Anna Williams, Newton County Academy; Monica Vincent, Ashley Amis, and Adrienne McDilll, all of Newton County; Chelsea Jones, Enterprise; Hannah Alley, Union Grove (Ga.); Abby McMillan, Newton County Academy; and Robyn Fanning, Philadelphia; and (second row) Richie Ferguson, Newton County; Josh Jarriel, Neshoba Central; Dustin Stewart, Louisville; Brandon Kennedy, Union; Paul David llaCcher, Winston Academy; Dayton Johnl-.on, Neshoba Central; Will fl:mmons, Lake; and Cody Ming, Winston Academy. Shl'llc} Thoms serves as cheer coach. (!£(':. Photo)
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