WEEK OF ~~~~---------
ECCCwomen continue to win
By Mal1v 8ta I'*' . Appeal Sports Edrtor The Cast Central CoMm– unity College Lad) \\'arnors defeated South\\ est and Hmds in last week·, ba,ket– ball action to improve to 12- 4 overall and 2-1 m the MACJC South Division. The Wamors beat Southwest but ft~st at H1nds to entet the week \\ nh a 7-9 o\·erall mark and a 1-2 record in dh is10n play. ECC C travels to Pearl River Community College in Poplan illc Thursday. EC nomen 73 South,,est 60 Sophomore forwarJ Rashima Jenkins scored 22 points and had I I rebounJs to lead the Lady Warriors as they Improved to 11-4 over– all and 1-1 111 the division . DeShouri Spates scored II pouns. Alh!>on Phillips and Ali!iha McAfee both had eigbt, Mystec Dale and Daniellc Cole both had six, and Hannah Lee and Sha Coleman both added five. Octa\ ian Bearden leJ Southwest (6-5, 0-2) with I~ points. The Lady Warnors made 14-of-39 field goals ( 15.9 percent) in the first half anJ were 15-of-28 (53.6 pl•rccnt) over the last 20 mmiutes EC led 37-26 at the break . EC men 73 Southwest 63 The Warnors rall1cd from a 16-point dcfkit to knock olf the Bear.., on Januat) 12 at Decatur. After shootingJtbt 26 per– cent from the floor in the fir... t h~lf. the Warrior:> mad.! 1~ oJ-25 ~hots (56 percent) 111
EC wa~ 22-of-29 from the free-throw line 1n 1mproving to i-8 O\ crall and 1-1 tn divi– 'ion pia~. EC out~corcd the Bear~ 51-29 in the ~econd half. Jo~h Luckett a 6-foot-5 sophomore guard fon.. ard from Carthage, led EC with 14 points and six rebounds.' Antonio Grace aJded 12 point~. Rico Jones scored ll, Scooter Walker had 10. Kenneth Barlow se,·cn. Rod Lofton six, and Jacob Jordan fi.,e. Otis Smith led Southwest (I-ll, 0-2) wllh 14 pomt~. The Bear~ led 34-22 at halftime. EC \\Omen 79 Hinds 59 R.tshima Jenkins led EC to its fifth-straight '' 111 wtth 13 points Thursda)' at Uttca. Hannah Lee s~.:orcd 12. Alli~on Phillip.., added II, Mystl.'C Dale scored nine. ~ha Coleman seven. and Lanie Triplett and Daniellc Cole both had six as the Lad)' Wamors improved to 12-4 overall and 2-1 111 dtvi'>IOtl play. Rcgena Gngsby led Hinds (4 10) with II points. EC led 44-31 at halftime llinds 73 EC men 68 fhc \\arnors Jropped to 7-9 overall .md 1-2 m the divi..,ion \\ ith Thur:-.da)' 's lo!-.s at Utica. Kenneth BarlO\\ led EC w1th 12 points. Scooter WaiJ..er <>cored I I. .\ntonio Crracc had nine. Jo,h Luckett etght, and ~tC\ e [J\\ ard.... R1co Jone:-.. and Jacob JorJan each had s1x. Courtn..:y Ncbon had .23 point~ tn kaJ HmJ..,. lim&, led 3-1-33 nt halt:. um~.:.
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WINSTON COUNTY JO the second half. In aJJitton. SPIRIT OF MORTON - - - - - ---
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