EC squads begin Basl-etball competition re~umed following the Christmas break on a posttive note for East Cen– tral Comrnunit) College -;quads. ''hich po-.ted 'ictories over Enterprisc-Otark Saturday after– noon in the Brackeen-Wood Physical Educauon Building m Decatur. mne. A1icr shooting a di.,maJ 33.3 percent C 10-30) from the fkld in the first half. the Lady Warriors responded by making 12 of 24 field goals m ~-occ­ ond half acuon. EC v..a<; also wcccssful on four of nine three-point 'hot" and connected on 22 ol 31 attempts from the free-throw line.

The EC women had little trouble outscoring the Lady Boll Weevils. cruising to a 76-60 deci– sion and completing a ~encs sweep of thetr non– dh ision opponent from Enterprise. Ala. EC'" men overcame a sluggish start and a slim halftiml: delicit to defeat the Wee\ ils b) a 71-63 margin and al"o registered a series sweep. Choctaw Central product My!.tee Dale tallted 29 points - which included five three-pomt shots - to lead the Lad) \\';uriors, who tmproved 10 S-4 oYcrall under fourth-year head coach Bill Smllh. Also scoring were Ra'ihima Jenkins, a product of Airline High School in BossiCr Cit). I a.. 17: Allison Phillips of Leake Academy and Katherine Taylor of Carthage. stx each; DeShoun Spates of St. Thoma-. \tfore H.S. m Lafayette La.. Sierra Croft of Newton County, Ali!>ha \1cAfee of Nonhwcst Rankin and Hannah Lee ot Leake Academ). four each: and Damelle Cole of Philadelphia. two. In the men's contest. Josh Luckett of Carthage pumped in 2~ points a~ the Warriors e\·ened their record to 6-6 under third-year head coach Mau– ri~e Bo\\ ie. Abo ha\ ing a productive night \\as Devarus ··~ooter'' Walker. ,., ho scored 21 points and wa<; ~ ... ~sful un "-Cven of eight free throws. Walker. a product ol ~cv. ton Count) High School. made a hon jumper and three 'tr.Ught freebees in the game· final moment.., to clinch the victor). East Centrnl CommunH) College's Lad) War– nors rallied fro '1 a 15-point halfttme deticit to clip the ltawarnha Community College women 76-72 Monday mght m a non-diH~ion matchup. Sophomore ~tandouts Rashima Jenkins. a product of Airline High School in Bossier City, La.. and former Choctav. Central star Mystee Dale letl thc comeback b) pouring in 24 and 23 points, rCSJXCthdy. Also sconng for EC were Hannah Lee of Leal-e Acadcm). 12, Allison Phillips. also of Leake .\cademy. six: Sha Coleman of Newton County. Ali~ha McAfee of Northwest Rankin and Danielk Cole of Philadelphia. three each: and De..houn Spates. of St. Thoma~; More H S in La fa} elle. La . two. Phillips led 111 rchour Is \\ " Lad~ \\ arriors rail~ to beat Ita • \\aniors f: U

In the men\ contest. the \Varriors were outo;cored 77-64 b) the 'isiting Indians and dropped to 6-7 overall under third-year h'cad coach ~1aurice Bowtc. Jo-.h Lucken of Carthage wac; the top EC scor– er with 12 poinL<> and nine rebounds. Other point makers included Devarus "Scooter" Walker of ~t.\\ton County and Keno) Thomas of Jackson Provine. II each: James Starks of Meridian, eight: Kennethy Barlov.. of Scott Central, six; and Antonio Grace ,md Ste\'e Edv..ards. both "'ewton Htgh School products. five each: and Rico Jones of Forest, Jacob Jordan of Opelousas, La., and Andre Pitchford of Jachon Pro' inc. two each.

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