Music, art featured at EC WEEK OF tJ t)vfvt} iJt( . ctfk~C~ : Ch.l'istmas mu.sic and vfrious forms or artwork await those attending the annual East Central
arranged by Shaw; "Sweet Little Jesus Boy," arranged by Berg; "Hodie Christus Natus Est," arranged by Hayes; and "The Twelve Days After Christmas," arranged by Silver. Concert choir members Wid their respective high schools include Ashley· Amis, Colton Amis, Celia Boggan, Brandon Boulton, Ashley Dumas, Patrick Ezell, Brian Felton, Richie Ferguson, Whitley Fisher, Lane Fulton, Elise Gibbs, Lacey Gilmore, Cole Harris. Drew Harrison, Jessica Harrison, Tiffany Hennington, Heather Hogue, Brandon Hughes, Courtney Lanier, Melody Mann, Emily Pace, Tiffany Spence, Cody Strait, Polly Vaughn, Monica Vrncent and CameronWeaver, all of Newton County High School; Hank Benson, Neshoba Central; Audrey Cannon, Northwest Rankin; Jessica Cherry, Clorbin Jenkins, Drew Johnston,
James Latiker, and D. J. Townsend, all of Carthage; Tyler Comans, Sebastopol; Jonathan Crabtree, Warren Central; Jeri Lynn Crosby, Scott Central; J'Markus DuBose and Jordan Smith, both of Union; Kristen Everett, Brittany Harrison and Ronnie White, all of Forest; Nickie Farmer, Camp Shelby YCA;
Community Co~ Concert Choir Fall Concert and At1 Sbow scheduled Thursday, Nov. 19 on Ute Decatur cum– pus. The concert choir pe•·– formance begins at 7 p.m. in the Vickers Fine Arts Cente1· auditorium. Art work will be available for viewing in the Fine At1s lobby prior to and following the concert. Admission is free to both events. "We want to invite everyone to attend the oon– oot1 and hear somewonder– ful Christmas songs per– formed by some very talent– ed students," said Vicki Blaylock. now in her second year as concert choir diroo– tOl'. Selections include, "Tbe Hands of Winter" by Hayes; ..Gloria in Ex<:elsis," by Mozm1; "Carol of the Bells,"
Cow1ney Gammill, Jordan Gunn and Laura Gunn, all of Lake; Lance Goodin, Nanih Waiya; Jackie Leggette, Meridian; Stacy Fall Concert Henderson, Raleigh;
the annual fall exhibit. "Our students have done a great job with their art assignments and I know the public will enjoy seeing the exhibit," said Brady. Participating in the art show and their respective hometowns are Dale
Britney Jefferson, South Panola; Jared Mullins Faith Christian; Ann~ Powell, Philadelphia; Casey Rowzee, Newton County Academy; Ayla Smith, Miss. School of the Arts; and Jordan Vance, Trinity Episcopal. Second-year art instructor Christopher Brady is also pleased with the artistic talent of stu– dents in his drawing, design and painting classes, who are submitting art work for
Alberts, Bailey; Brittany Bobo and Amber Harbour, both of Union; Sara Davis, Demopolis, Ala.; Anahi Esqueda and Manny Esqueda, both of Carthage; Ken Frazier, Choctaw; Leslie Graham, Cody November19
Walters and HollyWebb, all of Forest; D. J . Harris, S~all; John Hausley, Brittany Morrison and Randy Robinson, all of Newton; Corbin Hurst Hickory; Lauren Jahn' Morton; Stephani~ Lunsford, Collinsville; Anna Peeples, Louisville· and
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Jackie Pionan, L~buan ---- - Philippines. ·
For more information, ----–
WI contact the ECCC Fine Arts NAL Department, 601-635-2111 CL or call toll free, 877-46'.2- 3222, ext. 228.
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