Cohen to speak.at EC's First-Pitch Dinner First-year Mississippi State University head baseball coach John Cohen will be the featured speaker for the third annual First-Pitch Dinner scheduled San1rday. Jan. 31. at East Central from Community College in school Decatur. reports The program begins at groups O\er the p..:.i 1·.~ )Cars. accord– ing to the 1\1 l, \\eb 'ttc. Cohen wa ... .:;elected to leJd the MSU baseball pro~ram on June 7, 200. He led the Demons to two Southland Conference tJtles. He received confer– ence coach of the year honors followmg the 1998 and 200 I championship sea– son. He began his coachmg career as an nss1stant at the University of Missouri. where he sened from 1992-97.
served the pre\ iou... fi ve years a:. head coach at the l.Jru\ei'Sil} of Kentucky. Cohen, ''ho ''a" tapped the 2006 South eastern Conference Coach of the Year and '-'a 10n:ll Coach of the Ye,ar b\ the College Ba eba ·
Cohen was a :-.tandout for the MSL Bulldogs from 1988-90 under legendary coach Ron Polk. The Bulldogs advanced to an CAA Regional dunng each of Cohen's three years on the :-quad, capped by a berth in the 1990 College World Senes. In J9R9. he helped lead the Diamond Dogs to the SEt Championship. Cohen tinished hi'> career ranked m the top I0 in se\eral sta– tistical categones at Mississ1ppi State. lle received first-team All-SEC' honors as a -..cnior 1nd "as chosen by the M1nnesota Twins m the 22nd round ofthc 1990 Major Leal!ue draft. I lc spent two years 111 the T\\ ms' mmor league system prior to beginnmg his coachmg career. ECCC begms its 2009 baseball sea– son by hosting Be\ili-Fayette Community College in doubleheader actiOn on February 4. To punlww tickets jor the dinner or for more information. contact ECCC Head Ba't hall Coach Neal f/olli/1/an. 601-635-2111 or call wlljree. 1-877- 462-3222 ext. 374. His e-mail addres.\ 1:, nhollinwn(a eccc.etlu.
6:30 p.m. and \\ill be held in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria. Tickets are $20 for adult-; and $1 0 for ages 12 and w1der. D1amond Warrior head coach Neal Holliman. who is in his third year at the helm. invites the public to attend the annual preseason activity and meet .the new Bulldog head mentor. "We are extremely excited to have Coach Cohen visit our campus and serve as guest speaker for our annual First-Pitch Dinner," said Holliman, who led the Diamond Warriors to the 2007 state title in his first year. "This is always a great night for our fa ns. par– ents and players to come together and experience the excitement for the· upcoming season. We u ually have about 275 in attendance and we are sure th1s year will not be any different with such a noted speaker as Coach Cohen joining us for the evening." Over the past five years, Cohen has become a "hot commodity" on the basc– b,tll speaking circuit and has shared his ba:.eball knowledge with more than I 00
Cohen Foundation and Co iegeBa~eballinsid er.com, led Kcnruc ') to a pa1r of NCAA Regional appearances in their last three seasons He .. l....o led the Wildcats to their fiN-e\er outheastem Conference Champ1on,l1p m 2006. During hi five-. ear tenure at UK. Cohen's teams comp1led a 175-113-1 (.607) record and posted a pmr of 44- win campaigns - the mo:.t w1ns m school history. The Tuscaloosa. -\la. natiH: sened as an assistant baseball coach. at the University of Flonda tor two seasons prior to taking over the Kentucky pro– gram. lie was head coach at Northwestern tate University in atch1toches. La , from 19~t:>-200 I and
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