Homecoming Court
Memht'rs of the 2UOY Homecoming Court and their lesper.– tive higlz schools include (ji-mll row, from left) quen1 Re.,her– ta Benton, Forest; and maid-of-honor 1-/muwh lA' I!, l.t'akc Academy; (.\'t'Ccmcl ww, from left) sophomore maids Kimba– ly Blackwell and Amw Fulton, both of Nanih U!1iva ; am/ Alli– son Lowery, Wimton Academy; and (back row, from h'}i) Aler– is Young, Newton County; Sarah Breland, Neslwha Central; a!UI Breamw Foley and Celia Boggan, both of Newton Coullfy.
SK Run/Walk 7 a.m. North Campus
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