unce scholarship winners

SUBMITT£0 PHOTO SUBMITT£0 PHOTO Meaghan Mayes (left) of Conehatta is the 2009 recipient of Hannah Watkins (left) is the first recipient of a scholarship The Rev. John Lambert Neill Scholarship presented during the established by members of the 1957, 1958 and 1959 classes AT&T Scholarship Appreciation Luncheon held July 16 at East at East Central Community College in Decatur. Watkins, a Central Community College in Decatur. Mayes, a returning returning sophomore, is a graduate of Sebastopol High sophomore at ECCC, is a graduate of Sebastopol High School. School. She is shown with Carol Vickers, a representative of She is shown with Or. Harold Aycock who established the the three classes. The scholarship evolved from the idea of scholarship In honor of the former Wesley Foundation direc- Martha Kate Tullos Hummel, who for many years organized a tor at ECCC. More than 90 scholarships totaling approximate- Friday night reunion for the three classes at homecoming. ly $70,000 were awarded at the annual luncheon, which rec- Following her death, a committee was formed to discuss the ognizes donors and recipients of various scholarships. AT&T scholarship and as a result $25,000 was raised within a 12- has sponsored the scholarship appreciation luncheon since month period. 2003.

SUBMITT£0 PHOTO Brittany Harrison (left) Is the 2009 recipient of the Mable Moore Carr Educational Scholarship, which was presented during the AT&T Scholarship Appreciation Luncheon held July 16 at East Central Community College in Decatur. Harrison is a graduate of Forest High School. The award was established in 1996 by Mrs. Carr's four sons In recognition of her service to educa– tion as a teacher for the Forest Separate School District. Shown with the scholarship recipient is Romonica Evans of the ECCC Student Services staff.

SPECIAl TO THE TlMES Spencer Cash (left) is the 2009 recipient of The Dr. Austin P. Boggan Scholarship presented during the AT&T Scholarship Appreciation Luncheon held July 16 at East Central Community College In Decatur. Cash is a graduate of Lake High School. The scholarship was established In 1999 by family and friends

of the late Dr. Boggan, a physician in Decatur for

more than 40 years. Also pic– tured is family representa– tive Ada McGrevey.

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