'to go' at EC in~u I ated "'indO'\·\';;. The houses are approximately HO percent complete. Riddin!! s1arts at ma vie\\iTlg the houses can visit the campus during the wc l'k ft·om 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The hou!'ies are located behind t he vocational annex building adjacent to th<> football stadium. For more information, contact Eason at (601 ) 635- G:!ll. s:3!1.000 and sealt•d bids \\ill be accepted until Friday..June 12, at :! p.m. Ea~on .;aid he l:Onsiders the startin!! price very fair ennsidering current hous– ing and building price!;. -The collegl' doesn t look to n ake monc~ on thi-..." Ea,on --aid. Of eottrsc we h pe to make a profit. but eve11 hou l~ ECCC students work on a house that the college plans to sell. (ECCC photo)
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