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ECCC selects new facultv - members, honors retirees
special to The Star
master's degree in com– munity college education with emphasis in Eng– lish/literature. Fulton c;urrently serves as mathematics instructor at East Mississippi Com– munity College in Scooba. She previously taught math at Central Academy in Macon and at Nanih Waiya Attendance Center. he is also a former adjunct math instructor for ECCC. Fulton is a graduate of Mississippi State Univer- ity in Starkville. where s he received bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics. Resolutions were adopted honoring retiring faculty members who include Debbie Boyd, English instructor; Mary Ann Wright, early child– hood education tech– nology director/instructor; James Clark, electronic tech– nology instructor; Joe Johnson, biology instructor; Gloria McRae, mathematics instructor; and Judy Brooks, business technology instructor at the Philadelphia/Neshoba County Career-Technical Center. Boyd and Wright retited in December 2008,
from Solana Communitv College in California. • He resides in Lake. McRae has served 15 years as mathematics instr uctor on the ECCC campus. She also taught math classes for 10 years on the high school and junior high school levels, including stints at Ca_rthage Junior High, South Leake High School and Northwest Rankin High School. She received an asso– ciate's degree from ECCC and has a bachelor's degree in music from the University of South ern Mississippi and a master's degree in math from Mis– sissippi State University in Starkville. She has also competed post-graduate work at MSU. McRae resides in Carthage. Johnson has taught biology classes at ECCC since August 2001, after previously serving 11 years as an adjunct instructor. Johnson has a bach– e lor's degree in biology from the University of Southern Mississippi and a master's degree in biology from Mississippi State University-Meridian. He· has completed addi-
DECATUR- The selec– tion of new faculty mem– bers and recognition ot retiring instr uctors were among items approved at the April meeting of the East Central Community College Board of Trustees. Joining the ECCC fac– ulty for 2009-10 are Patrick Stokley Jr. of Vernon, Ala., biology instructor; Brooke ilbley of Newton, early child– hood education instructor; Jason Armstrong of Meridian, English instructor; and Robin Fulton of Louisville, math– ematics instructor. Stokley currently serves as a substitute teacher at The Capitol School in Tuscaloosa. He is also a former substitute teacher at Heritage Academy in Columbus. In addition, he previously served as a biology/zoology lab assis– tant at the University of West Alabama. Agraduate of East Mis– sissippi Community Col– lege , Stokley holds a master's degree from UWA and a bachelor's degree in biology from the University ofAlabama.
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