ECCC- to incr·e se tuition, fees effective July 1 from staff reports

lr<>tn ~!) to:> 10; and gradu– ation tee, from $30 to $4-0. Nt•W fet's ' include a :;20 charJ{c for publ ications and !)G for ..;tudent activi– ties. Additional ft>ts also apply to ... tudcnb enrolled in the healthcare pro– gram-:. The $15 fee for late r<:>gblration was discon· tinued. Ea:st Central ha::.. ... ched· ulcd fi..,e orientation ..;es· sion.., 1or nt-w or tran:,fer students planning to enroll in the 2009 fall 'emester. Registration activiti~::s will be held Friday. June 5: Sat· urday, .lune 20; '1 hursday, July~); Wedrw..day, july 22; and Frida), Augu~t 14. Fall cla"sl's begin Thursday, Augu~t 20. For mon• intormation. contal'l the Offire of Stu– tknt St'l'Vicf>s al 601-635- ()~0G or call toll free, 877- 46~ ::2u. t•xl. 205. The l'-mail adtlre..;s is jkil– lcns 1.ecn'.edu.

tht- cost~ at public and pri· vale college-. and universi· ties." ,43eginning July I, in– state tuition \\ill incrcast• from ~70tl to . 800. Tuition (or out-of-state ...tudents v.ill remain the -.ame at $1,050. 111e ft•e for part-time ~tu­ dents will increa"e from $75 to $:;5 per ..;emeste r hour. Dormitor} fee-. " ill rt-main the ...ame at $575, but board fee" will increa..;e, a:s a five-dav meal plan increases from $740 to :;i/65 and a ~evL·n-day meal plan will be $920. up frorn SR90. Other incn'a:-.e::, induclc the at:adcmic sdetH:C lab fee, from $15 lo $20; tl'ch– nology fee. from $25 to $30: registration ft•t•, from $35 to $40; online clas~ · fee (per class), from :;:w to $40; parking clecal. from S5 to $10: IDs. fr om S3 to $10; drop/add coursl' fee,

An increase in tuition and fees at East Central Community Coll(•ge in Decatur wa..; approved by the College':; Board of Tru~tet·s at it::, April 14 meeting ECCC President Dr:Phil A ';u tphin ~aid the addi– t iOnal revenue is needed due to state budgd cut~ and the increao;;ing cu..;ts associ– att•d "ith opPrating the two– year cullegt>, "Ea:-cted or us. Even with our proposed int·rea..;es. FC':; (:o... t... remain competi– tive v. ith the other commu– nity and junior colleges in the State and are very com– petitive in comparison to









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