THE SCOTT COUNTY TIMES I 9A as wen as additional part-time officers.

secretary. The ECCC Warrior Golf Classic netted $6,500 for stu– dent scholarships. Twenty-five teams participated in the four– person scramble held June 19, 2008 at the Dancing Rabbit Golf Club on the Pearl River Resort in Choctaw, a Development of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin was selected as Decatur's Citizen of the Year by the Greater Decatur Chamber of Commerce. ECCC named Clinton Russell as director of the College's phystcal plant follow– ing the resignation of David Blackledge Music Instructor Natalie Emmons was selected as the 2008 recipient of the Mississippi Humanities Council Teacher Award at East Central Emmons presented aprogram,"Honoring Those Who Serve," on Oct. 30, 2008 in the Ovid Vickers Fine Arts Center Auditorium. The 2008 Fall Dinner Theatre, "Who Killed Elvis;" was presented Nov 3, 4, 6. 7and 8, 2008. ECCC began plans for reno– vation to Founders' Gym, which was constructed in 1930. Fundra1S1ng efforts to secure tne funds necessary for the ren– ovations also began for the building which will serve as a memorabilia facility and the location of administrative of" teeS. In efforts to ensure campus safety, ECCC established a campus police force, which will tnclude a campus police chief and four full-time police officers

ECCC English instructor Debbie Boyd retired followinga 28-year career in education. Boyd joined the ECCC English faculty in 2003 following 22 years as an instructor in the Meridian Public School System ECCC Early Childhood Education Instructor Mary Ann Wright retired after teach1ng at the College for 16 years. The 2008-09 HEADWAE honorees selected for ECCC. 1ncluding VICki Blaylock choral director and vocal mus1c instruc– tor. as Faculty Instructor of the Year and Dan1el Johnson, an engineerng major from Un1on, as Student of the Year. Elected officers for the Student Body Assoc1atton of East Central for the 2008-09 school year were Emily Thrash of Sebastopol, president; Anna laurie Ezelle of Union, v1ce president; Kasey Crutcher of Edinburg. secretary; and Kylie R1gdon of Union, treasurer Director of Student life for ECCC Jonathan Peeples assumed the new title of Director of Student lifeiPubhc Safety. ECCC Board of Trustees reappointed members, Lo1s Cooper, of Newton County; Of. Kimsey Cooper, of Leake County; and Prentice Copeland, of Nashoba County:

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