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l~our ( :uug:u Ndh~ rs .I nk \ViCh I(CCC Fo ur ouhfand ing Nt'\\ lun Cunni,. II i)!h Sdwul h• uu i~ pl un:•:. t t'll' llll \' 'i1~111'cl ' d w lat 'lup\ ''it h I· tl\t Centra l Communi~ College. Si~nin~ an.-. ncult ldt , llMin:i Wa~ll\l'f: (:'uttt';'tt A~t~h, t·:lls~:clhh~. llllci~ J ."7m ll tlll'lll' k,- With tht• ' ignccs arc (standing) Chad Bond, NC II S tcnni'l l'UIIl'lt; \ 1:uttlc: Wt~ll\l't:, l!l':tllllllllllhl~f uf h atius Wial~c· t . \ lie II ~lii ll l~illt Amis, Jlllrl'lll\ or Colton Amis; Randy and l>cbbie Gibh~t IUIIt'lll._ ul Eli\c: Gilth!l; Udtiii'Uh ~\.htt hls, tllftlhc:t' ul' .1:1\1111 ll tuu·m·-k: :111cl " Yil' \\:thon, repre-senting the ECCC athletic depa rtment . A., a ~runp, thi s ·st~ ll itll ' duss hu 'l ll•tl N''"'')n ('cututy llllhtn'I'IIII St~t~ ntiH: clivhiun t·h ampion\ hips as well as the Clas~ 3A Sout h ~taft• Cl~;uupiun ..hip , Uttcl lluc·ti ~~'"'Si~t'ulh't' 31\ :;lttlt' t'llttth' l'• ttp lini>;ht:s. In incli,·iclu al ph)) , the senior tennjs players won seHn d ivi11icm fitk \, mu· \I all: dtlttttpluuship, llllcl h 11fl~ li nls hi•cl s·unnH•up in tlu: ~t all' luur timt·~. l>ariu~ \Valker has been n part of the Cou~ar h.'llct l\ "·''" Si su'c• ihc ~t~H:II t h ~· ·uc lc~ nncl Joillc:cl the· vur'lily '"au dgh lh grader. li e joined Ihe starting lineup as a freshmen. Oariu ' t:ompsl t:cl a ·HC
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