WEEK OF d.; 7...!...,,,...----~-

JUCO TENNIS Jones County J.C. sweeps East Central

I l.LbVILLE - J llnes County Junior Collc!.!e ...wept Ea.st Centr?l Communit) College Ill tenms action here Tue.... day afternoon. The Ladv Bobcab improved to 6-0 with a g:o deci,ion over ECCC. whik the JCJC men':s team nipped the \\"arrior,, fl-.1 '1he Lad' Bob~:ats won ali sets in po..;ting the victory , .. Lauren Wallace won o. l sm– gle:- over Dru Anderson, 7-5. &.3. while Erica Walker took No.2 sm– g)e-. over Julie Gaines. 6-2, 6-3. Bess Butler claimed l\ o. 3 singles ovt:r '\icole Bell. 6-4, 6-3 and Rachel \\1lah:y took ~o. 4 singles over Cht'ryl Dowell, 6-3, 6-1. l\larisJ Chaffin captureq No. 5 single' over Ashley Henle}. 6-2, 6-2, while Lba Rittenhouse won No.6 singles over Kylie Rigdon, 6- 1 6-2 ' In. No. 1 doubles. Wallace/ Walkl•r downed Andl·rson/ Dowt>ll, 8-3. Whaley/ J.J. Benson won ~o. 2 doubles over Gaines/Bell. 8-a and Butler I Kebey Roberts took No. 3 dou· b\cs over Hcn\cy/Rigdon. 8-3. The Bobcats were down 2-1 after doubles play, but came back to win the match to improve their record to 5-4. In No. 1 singles, ECCC's Devarius Walker defeated Casey Dykes. 4-6, 6-2. 10-5. J.CJC's Cale Pastorek won "Jo. 2 smgles over Keith Brown. 3-6. 6-4, 10-7 In No. 3 singles. JC.JC's Miles Nerr~n beat josh :\loore, 6-4. 6-;~. v.h1le Bobcat Brian Martin took No. 4 singles O\'er Joey Ceiglo. 7-5, ~· In No. 5 -..ingles, JCJC's Chr1s Guizerix defeated :\Iatt \\'ade. 7-5, 6-3 and ECCC's Phillip Savell won No. 6 sin~les over Jonathan Myrick. 6-0, 7-5 Dykes Pa-.torek won No. 1 doubles over Moore/Brown, 8-4. Wade/Walkl:'r took No. 2 doubl~s over Martin/Nerren, 8-3. Chns King/Lorenzo Jones of ECCC won No. 3 doubles over Guizerix/Aaron Stricklin, 8-3. -from school reports

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