SECOND-YEAR MEMBERS ASNEC second·y r member for 2008·09 have been announ • d for East Central Community College and Include front row, from left, Stewart Marshall of Mendian, Ktm Wtlhams of Forest. Apnl Hogue of Carthage. Tiffanie Credille of Unton, secretary and second year delegate; Ttffany Dora ot Louisville, Kelvtn Knowles of Loutsville, Brandt Goodwin of Meridian, Macqualine Triplett of Newton , Kim Traxler of Morton. and Shannon Harrison of Unton, second row, from left, Tiffany Quick of Philadelphia Mildred Young of Jackson Shana Hamson of Sebastopol, Kristy Holmes of Louisville. Jenntfer Harris of Newton, Jana Hunt o1 Weir, Shelley Darby of Philadelphia, treasurer, Sandra Colyer of Morton, Keysa Graham of Hetdelberg and Corey Shoemaker of Morton; third row, from left, Doug Kellt:ly of Sebastopol. president and second-year delegate, Michelle Galloway of Union Chnsty Ezell of Decatur Christy Gressett of Chunky, Knsti Stapp of LoUtsvtlle, Jessica Dean of Decatur Ton Williams of Sebastopol, Rebecca Wtlbanks of Carthage Kemyatta Qualls of Forest, Barbara Pitts of Carthage, Cindy Payne of Philadelphia and Erin Mtller of Louisville; and back row, from left, Scott Hayman of Raleigh, Steven McKenzte of Smithdale, Brad McKinley of Forest. Ktm Burton of Union, Kim Crockett of Brandon, Kay Boswell of Noxapater. Daniel Pickett of Decatur, Trffany Henson of Carthage, Rebecca Brown of Sebastopol. secretary, Cynthia Ledlow of Union, Alisha Hltt of Little Rock, Dawn Gtbson of Htckory, Holly Tullos of Newton, Lance Wooten of Forest. and Ashley Castillo of Newton.

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