arriors tied for first ·
0 th
saw Devarus Walker score li\ c pomts and fhc other Warnors get four In the second half. Co-Lm led by as many a:. 14 pomt.. at 65-5 1with 6:22 remmnmg EC (6-8. 1-2) natro\\ed the gap to 65-57 \\ tth 4·-13 leJt. but could get no cl ')SCr The Warnors got 14 pomts each from ?-.hrquis \\ tl o nnd Josh Luckett, II from U.mon Maxtion, and ctght from Walker. Co-Lin got 20 pomt from Trent Hutchin. 18 liom Gtel' Tru' tllion, 14 from Anthon~ \\ilcher. 12 from Juliu.s Blanb. and nme from La\\ .mskt ~e\\ orne outhnest 8~ f..C \\Om~n 69 SuuU1 e:.t uut:....orcd I .m bo h hah.l.!!> to \\ inTliurs ,1y contest at Summtt Leadmg 35-29 at halfttmc. the Lad\ Bear' out:.cored El 4 -40 O\-er the final20 mmutcs. The win mmed ~outlme-.t into a fir~t-place tte 111 the South Di\ ision standing ' ilh EC. The Lady Warnor., (1 2-2 O\ erall. 3-1 Ul\ i~ton l gut c1 season-htgh 30 poinL.., from Tanesha Bro\\>11, Ib It om M) slee Dale eight from Ta\\ ayatha 1 \an:.. and fi, c from Rashima Jenkins. <:)outhwest ( 11-2, 3- 1 J got 18 points from Phenicia Ta: lor. 13 from Erin Br.tbham, 12 from Kidra Ch·1tham, and II from Hope S" mdle. EC men 69 Sooth'' est 67 The Warrior:. outscorec..l the
lhle. Rashima Jenkins.
d Tane,ha Bro"'n. In a tumO\ cr-plagued sec- nd hal; by both teams, the lady \\ lves pulled out to a - 9-41 ad\antage on ~ basket b) \Jisha Mason with 13:46 remaming. EC rallied to within 55-52 '' tth jlC>t under eight minutes left on a 3-pointer by Jordon Patterson and a three-point pia) b) Tawa)atha [vans A putback basket by Jenkins cut the deficit to 55-54 "ith 7:22 left \ Alisa Me \fee gave the Lad) \\arrior:. a 56-55 lead a mmute later. Co-Lt !1 s "-.nstin Ellis tted the game at 59 \\ ith a basket in the lane "ttb I 37 showing. Dale was fouled on an inboun s · uth 45..& ~ee onds left and made the second ofmo free thrO\\S for the'' in– ning margin. Co-Lm mt,.,ed three shot.. in the final 1- second., and EC':. Chotsani Henderson glthered a re~und \\ith fi\e seconds left and dn'bbled out the clock Jenkm led EC \\ith 15 pomts. Brown ~cored 11. Dale had mne. 1\ltsa Matlock e\en, and Patter..on tx. 1\L ... on Jed Co-L n 9-3. !– ~) y; tth 22 pomts. Ellis scored II and Ret ha B.. ' ocl had mne Copiah-Lincoln 81 EC men 70 The league-lead. ; \\ he:. out:.eored the \\'amors .18-36 m the second half tmprO\ e to 9-3 O\-erall and 3-0 in the South 01\Jston. oe..plte trailing 28-19 at one pomt, EC took a 34-33 lead tmo ha'"tme behind a balanced ..cv· ~g • .nack that
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'1 AttbtC) m Rodney from Otts
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Lady Bears- are .!- n league play. The EC ' omen are l ~-2 O\l!rall. The 1C men lost to Copiah-Lmcoln, but v.on at Southwe t to enter lhe v.eek '' h a 7- record After gomg to Hmd~ Communtt) College on Monday, EC v.tll host Mt, issippi Gull Coast Community College on Thursda). then trah:! to Pearl River Community L'"ollegc on Jan 28. EC women 60 Copiah-Lincoln 59 Mystcc Dale's free thrO\\ with 45 R seconds left snapped a 59-59 tie as the Lad) Warriors impro\'ed to 3-0 in the di\is10n and 12-1 O\erall ,.,ith the Jan . 14 \\in at Decatur "\\c lney. we'd probabl~ be a littk Oat after our big wm last weel O\'er r-.tendtan Co– Lin was commg otT a tough loss to Sout~ ~ e...t so both teams were a little Oat," EC coach Bill Smtth satd "Someho\\ or another. we were just fortunate enough t ha\e one more point at the end than they did "It's another wm and that's all that matters " Down 14-8 early in the game. the Lad) Warriors closed to \\ithm 34-33 at half– time behind eight points each
Bears by a point in each h,!lfto take Thursday·s dt\ tston matchup m Su nmtl. EC took a 33-.}~ leau int< nOCRA! -----– half•tme
NeWlUN RECORD ____________ MERIDIAN STAR------– CLARION-LEDGER-----– iMPACT---------
Y.I.I U 1- I IJVUI'! I 1 l jli!! E::~ UNION APPEAL ~J~------- WlNSTON COUNTY JOURNAL _ _ _ _ SPIRIT OFMORTON------- OTHER ___________
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