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ton. nine: and Henderson. also of Nev. ton, si"\. Jennifer Wair of Velma Jackson led MCC \\ith 16 points. In the men·s conte t the Warriors were outscored 87-66 b~ the Eagles. ,Josh Luckett of Carthage \\as top scorer for EC \\ lth 17 poinb. Abo scoring were ~1arqms Wil– son of Delhi. La. 16. Dar ron Maxt10n, a product of Sparkrn n High hool in Han est, Ala., 10: and Oevarus 'Scooter"' Wall
EAST CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE East Central Community College sophomore guard Jor– dan Patterson of Aberdeen drives past a Meridian Commu– nity College defender during the Lady Warriors' 79-76 win.
setond of two free throws with 45 seconds remaining for thf. winning margin. Co-Lin' missed three shots in thn fmal 17 seconds and Lady Warrior Chotsani Henderson of Ne\\ ton gathered in a rebound on the final attempt with five seconds remaining to pre– serve the victon~ E was 1 iri ring by Rashitna ,J nkins, a prod– uct of Airline High School in Bossier City, who had 15 points. Also scoring were Tanesha Brown of Jackson Provine, 11: Dale. nine: \.lisa Matlock of Carthage, seveu: Jordan Patterson of Oak Hill Academ~: six; and Tawayatha Evans of New– ton. Co-Lin held a 34-33 advantage at the break. In the men's conte::>t. EC wa" unable to maintain its slim 34-30 halftime lead and fell81-70 to th visiting Wolves. 1
Following the division loss, the Warriors dropped to 6-8 overall and 1-2 in league play under second year head coach Maurice Bowie. Co-Lin improved to 9-4 and 3-(). EC point makers were Josh Luckett of Carthage and Marquis Wilson , a product of Delhi (La.) High School, 14 each· Darron Maxt1on of Sparkman HS i1~ Harvest La.. 11; and Devarus '"Scooter'' of New– ton County; eight; ECCC squads hit the road for the next two divi– .;;ion matchups, first at Southwest Mississippi Community College in Sun1mit .Pn Thursday fol– lowed by another key con– test Monday at Hinds Com– mwuty College in Utica. The. Ladv Warriors and Warners host Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College on Thursday, Jan. 14.
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