ECCC From Page: 1 B
In the men·s contest, Marquis Wilson of Delhi, La.. pumped in 17 points as the Warriors evened their record at 6·6 under second-year head coach ::vlaurice Bowie. Also scoring for EC were Josh Luckett of Carthage, 15; Darron Maxtion, a product of Sparkman High School in Harvest, Ala., 14; Rod Lofton of Forest, 11; Davarius "Scooter" Walk– er of Newton County; seven; Dre Dickinson of Meridian, four; Tony Parker of Meridian, three; and Justin Brown of South Leake, two. Trenton Marshall, a product of East St. John High School in Garyville, La., had 25 points to lead the Bobcats, who fell to 4- 8. The Warriors led 34-28 at the break. EC squads continue division play this Thurs– day by hosting Meridian Community College in the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building. Women's action begins at 6 p.m. followed the men's contest at 8 p.m. The Lady Warriors and Warriors host division foe Copiah-Lincoln Commu– nity College on Monday; Jan. 14, which is also des– ignated as ·'Be Our Guest" Night on the Decatur cam– pus. Lady Warriors fall to ltawamba ; Competition in the New Year began on a disap– pointing note for East Central Community Col– lege basketball squads who were swept in non-
division action Thursday night at Itawamba Com– munity College in Fulton. The Lady Warriors, ranked tenth in the latest NJCAA poll, suffered their first season loss by a 75-57 margin to the Lady Indians and fell to 9-1 tinder third-year head coach Bill Smith. Freshman Mystee Dale, a former Choctaw Central High School standout, led EC with 20 points. Also scoring were Tawayatha Evans of Newton, 13: Rashima Jenkins, a prod– uct of Airline High School in Bossi~::r City, La., 12, Tanesha Brown of Jack– son Provine, eight; and Alisa Matlock of Carthage and Alisha McAfee of Northwest Rankin, two each. Sanqueeta Meardith of Shannon poured in 22 points to lead the Lady Indians, who improved to 6-7 and avenged an earlier 70-50 loss to the Lady War- riors in Decatur. · Itawamba held a 37-30 advantage at the break. In men's acti@ln, the \Varriors \vere outscored
77-59 by the tenth-ranked Indians and dropped to 5-6 under second-year head coach Maurice Bowie. a former Itawamba assis– tant. Top point maker for EC was Josh Luckett of Carthage, who pumped in ' 14 points. Also scoring were Marquis Wilson of Delhi, La. and Darron Max tion, a product of Sparkman High School in Harvest. La., seven each; Justin Brown of South Leake, six; Des Morales of Lake and Tony Parker of I\leridian. five each: l\Iari– co Jone:) of Forest, four: Devarious "Scooter'' Walker of Newton Count:,.: tlu·ee; and Rod Lofton of Forest, Dre Dickinson of Meridian and Mam·ice Langston of Northeast Lauderdale, two each. Sergio Kerusch of M~ridian had 28 points to lead Itawamba, which improved to 12-1 under former ECCC head coach Marty Cooper. The Indians led 41-21 at halftime. EC fell 81-77 to the visiting Indians in late November.
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