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~ I \1 I ~ (.) Cl 0::: :c 0 0::: 0::: w a. ~ 0 < .T ~ a::: ~ ::t ~ ate baseball coach among ECCC honorees from school reports - ~ - butions and achievements in the various space programs. He held several administrative positions with the organization until his retirement in 1990. Kil1>atrick, a Philadelphia native, is a 1952 graduate of FCCC, where he was a two-year ll'llerman in football and basket– ball. llt> scrwd as East Central's at hletic l'oordinator and head football coach from 1982-1991 :md led the Warriors to the ~tate playoffs in 1~)87. His overall n·corcl during his 36-year career as head football coach on the high school · and community/junior level is 238- 138-12, and includes sevtjral con~ ference and division titles and a stale championship. Clark, who lost his brief batlle with brain cancer in 2001, served as ECCC's head baseball coach from 1988 to 2001. The West Point native led the 1998 Dia– mond Warriors to the ( ollcge's first state baseball title and a 32- 22 record. He received MACJC Coach of the Year hon ors fol– lowing the championship season. Clark's 1998 squad is among special groups being lionored during the 2008 homecouiing eel- Alumni Association. Denson, a 1947 ECCC grad– uate, is being honored for her numerous civic and community activities and her successful career with the Motion Picture Theatre Company. She is also a longtime supporter of the Col lege. She served as ECCC's J\.lny Queen her sophomore y<·ar. Mayo (Class of 1955) is being honored for his 30·plus y<·ars of service with the National At•ro naulics and Space ~dministration (NASA). Tht· chem1cal t·n~inen received NASA's Exceptional St·r– vice Medal in 19~8 for his contri- ebration. Clark's overall record at E~CC was 365-302-1. The 1997 squad set a record for most season victories with 40 and fin. ished state runners-up. The Col– lege's baseball stadium is named in Clark's honor. , Also being honored this year are former tennis players and members of all classes ending in "8." Special recognition is sched· uled for members of the 1958 class in recognition of their Golden Anniversary. Members of the 1957. 19!)8 and 1959 classes will also hold their annual reunion. z 0::: (/) ~ w 0 ~ Decatur n•sidcnts . Marijo james Dc'nson and Richard E. .Mayo, AJ Kilpatrick of Grenada ancl the tat(• jami<' Clark will rcn•ivt• speCial recognition during homt.•t·ominu activit ies schedulc:d Sept '27 at East Cen– tral Community Colleue in Decatur. the college announced. Denson is this year's Alumna of the Year and Mayo was sel<·cted Alumnus of the Yea r. Kilpatrick and Clark are t he newest additions to th< College's Athletic Hall of Fame. Honorees are chosen by the College's ....., ~ z ~ z 0 1- 1- 0::: z ~
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