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("{\'' Warriors split with Bevill State, Hinds By Marty Stamper Appeal Sports Ed1tor 9. Bevill Sta te 3-4
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The Warriors came away with a split in Saturday's Central Drvision doubleheader at Decatur after rally– ing for a 13-12 win in the opener. EC trailed 12-10 going into the bottom of the se\'Cnth inning before scoring three times to take the vJ in. Traili ng 4-3. the Warriors scored fou r runs in the bottom of the third to take a 7-4 lead. Hinds answered with six nm'> in the top of the fourth to go up I0-7 After EC drew even at I 0~ I0 wrth three run!. in the fifth. the Eagles scored twice in the top of the sixth. ' ' Warrior reliever Brian Jones got the win. Jones and Deon Wilhams hoth hit home runs for the Warriors with
Terrell Hendrix and Ze'Cricka Hall each getting a triple. Brandon Martin ( 1-2) took the loss for the Eagles. Hinds got a home run apiece from Josh Gordon and Eric Douglas. Mark Buchanan and Jonathon Ettinger both had a dou– ble. In the second game, ll inds took control early as the Eagles scor.:c seven times in the top of the sel'•'IIU inning. Gordon and Dot.' •: •s again homered for Hinds. !7 -11.. Josh LaiTerry hau a parr of triples for the Warriors. Mack Creighton took the loss for FC. 20-13. • Arvo Fleming (7-l) got the win.
East Centr a l 2-5 The Warriors split a pair of one- run decisions with visiting Bevill State on.March 25 as their record went to 19-1 2. ln the opener, EC's Carey Miller took the loss while Jacob Casey went 2-for-3 at the plate with a home run. Josh Lafferty added a two-run single for the Warriors. . ln the second !,.'111ne, Gregory Stovall struck out seven to cam his third win of the year for EC. Jack Edmonson went 2-for-2, while Ze'Ericka Hall doubled. Brian Jones had two RBl. East Centra l 13-3
The East Central Communiry College Worriors split a pair of doubleheaders in last week's base– ball action. FC. 20-13 overall, entered the wed. 3-1 in the MACJC Central 1),, ision and tied with IIohnes for llr-•t place. They were lollowed by ll11uh at 1-1. Meridian at l-3, and l~trst Mississrppr ; I 0-2 I h. Warrior~ ro to (JOOdman !'ialur day to take on fl o lr nes C'~>nlllluruty Colkt•c 111 ,, Central Divl!'inn doubleheader hl.'!!lnnmg at 2 p.111. I ( host' I ao.,t Mrssi..,...rppr Colllmunity Cullc~c 111 a dl\· rsron dn11bkhcadl~l in Ol'l'illlll un Apnl
12-9 ECCC shortstop Jacob Casey of Union t hrO\\-S to first base. EC photo --------~.~------~--------------------- ----------------------------------~~~--~~~~------ 1~-~ ~ - 0 z >- ....J z
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