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WEEK 0 F _____._3 - q-.-- C:>_~--,---~-

Diamond Warriors p t the broom to Northwest wit 84~ 2-2 s~weep

East Central Communit} College\\ ent 2-2 m la:,t week·s baseball action. from s \\ e e P i n g school N o r th\\es reports M1S~1ssippi berore losing ~mgle ~amt::. 10 Pearl Rt\'er and Alaroma Svuthern. EC. I:>9. returns lO action on Thursday when the Wamors hos: Pearl River in a 3 p.m doubleheader. EC ~ 1 :! :'\onb" est -t-2 A fi\e-run .lrst mning ga\ e EC all the nm;, 11 need– ed m the opener of last \\edncsda~ 's double ~leader at Sen-.~:obia. EC ~mple;ed the sweep \\ ith a 12-2 \\'In m the mght– cap EC. \\b1ch tmproyed to 12-1, was led offer.stvely in the opener b~ Josh Lafferty and Clin; Coleman. Lafferty belted a three-run homer in the first inning and Coleman had a double and single Jacob Case) ofl:nion dou– bled. \\ hde mgles were recorded b~ Bnan Jones. Chris Parkm.m, and Deon \\llliams. Ste en Barnes \> •• s the \\ mn:"~ ~ncher. allowing three earned run5 on seven hit.s through ~ 2 3 innings. Jared Clark burled the final 2

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In the -;cc..n. I !!.till<.:. I ( scored fou1 11111" in the ,~·~: ond inni ng and I~\..: more m the third i1 1 ~·,,,1st1ng tu the

Broom... Continued from 48... a hom..: run and two sin– gles. l ie also collected fi ve Rl31s and scored three runs. Casey also homered. had three RBJ:... and scored twice. Other hitters \\ere Parkman '' ith t\\ o :.mgh::-. ..nd Jones and Willian-u-. ~ach \\ ith a double. 1 imothy Maloney went the d1stance on the mound for EC. allo\\ ing just two earned runs on t\\O luts. Pearl Rhcr 7 EC 2 Clmt Coleman <.tnd Jack Edmondson both had two hits for rc in aturday's loss at Poplamlle. Jesus Aleman took the loss. He struck out six in 5 2/3 innings. Alabama Southern 5 EC 0 The Warriors fell to 12-9 despite gelling three hits from Clint Coleman. Josh Lafferty had a -.inglc. Bnan Jones was tagged with the los:-..


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