ment in the campus· informa– tion technology infrastruc– ture. which resulted in campu..,-wide insmllation of fiber optic-.. th•! rewiring of all buildin~-. Y.ith data cable and the creation of seven computer labs. On July 12, 2000. Dr. Phil .\.Sutphin became East Cen– ·ral's seventh president Dr. :-·. '-;>hin previou.;;ly served the College as dean of instruction and <'ean of student ·. Enrollment C• •ntinued to increa-.e under Dr Sutphin's lead· r-.hip and reached 2.735 -..tud··nt-. in the 2004 fall -..em• ... ~er The College also expanded it' cour'L' offerings with the addition of the healthcare a-..-..i-..tant program, hotel and re-..tauram management tech– no!~')' and culinary arts tech– nolo~. Empha-..b has also been placed in the area of tech– nolo~·. with East Central oiferin.~ a number of online classe::- through the Missis– sippi Virtual Community Col– lege l'\etwork. In addition. the College has continued to serve the educational training needs of

Campus improvements soon to be completed include construction of the Ronald C. Da\is Sciem.:e Building, which ,..;u be located adjacent to the Cross Hall where science classes are currently being held. Phase I will include con– struction of the new building while Phase II will contain renovations to the existing facility. Punding for Phase I of the $4 million project will come from State bond funds. Regarding ECCC's past and future, Dr. Sutphin, now completing his eighth year as president, said: "East Central has a long history of pro– viding educational services to our five-county district. From our beginning as a transfer institution to our current mis– sion in transfer, career-tech– nical. adult education and workforce training, we con– tinue to 5erve our area As we move into the future, we build our programs on the founda– tions and traditions of the past.'' For more information call toll free, 1-877-462-3222 or visit the College website, www.eccc.edu.

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