Russum Joins ECCC Associate Degree Nursing s.taff
viously served as director of the Geriatr ic Psychiatric Inpa– tient Program at Scott Region– al Hospital in Morton. She is also a former adjunct clinical instructor at ECCC. In all, she has 20 years nurs– ing experience in North Car– olina and Mississippi, working in areas including direct patient care, grant writing, clinical research and adminis– tration. She has also served as a medical missionary in Guatemala, Central America. Her community activities include serving as pianist at
Walnut Grove Baptist Church in Sylvarena. A graduate of Raleigh High School, Russum received bach– elor degrees in physical educa– tion and nursing from the Uni– v.ersity of Southern Mississip– pi, and earned a master's degree in nursing from the University of South Alabama in Mobile. She has two children , Gar– rett, 13 and Rachel Hope, five. Russum is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. John B. Rus– sum of Burns.
PaulaR. Russum of Burns has joined the Associate Degree . Nursing fac– ulty at East Central Community College in Decatur, announced Dr. Phil A.
Russum Sutphin, ECCC president. Russum, who began her new duties on January 3, 2008, pre-
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