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u. ~ L y Rebels score title at EC~C

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good one.

the second quarte r on Saturday, SC staked a 34- 21lead over Newton . SC's pushed its lead to 50-32 at th e end of the third and cruised to the vict ory. Qu enti n e ttc Odom racked up a doubl<' -doubl<' o f 20 poi n t s and 13 J'(•bou n d s fo r th t• J..ndy Hr tw I A. 1'y is h a Atti'os udd l' cl 17 poin t s and S hn rwqun Bufkin pos ted I ~ Scott Central 56 Lak e 43 In a game that entered

the fourth tied at 35-35 on Friday, th e Lady Rebels went on a 21-8 run in th e fourt h to knock off Lake 56-43. The game was tied at 25-25 at the h alf. Kelcia Bufkin led SC wi th a double-double of 24 points and 12 board s. Amos added 14 points and b>Tabbed seven rebounds. Odom scored s i x a nd pulled down 11 boards.

first quarter on Wednes– day, Dec. 3 and won 61- 44. SC led 38-17 a t t he h alf. Thomastown outscored the Lady Rebels 27-22 through t he second quarter. Amos h ad a double– double of 22 points and 15 rebo un d s, whil e Odom h a d a double- d i p of 16 points and 11 boa rds. Sh a nequa Bufki n added 11 points and Kel– cia Bufkin check ed in with 10 to lead the way for the Lady Re bels.

U SC tops 2A power Newton for crown

"I wa s proud of our pla yers . Th ey p layed g r ea t ," qai d Harrison , whose squad imprO\C'd to !) .() on the season "New– ton has a grea t program so to ht~at them snyH n lot nlwut wh<'rt' w e an• Wo havtl to k<'<'P our f'N• I on t h t~ ground nn d ~:~ tny li11:used.'' :; c :d 1-o knnc kt~d n rf t~nktl a nd ' l'hmuast nwn in tho t nurnanwnt Sc.:o tt. Central 54 Nc.~wton 40 Wi th a 22 -11 run 10

Scott Central 61 Thomastown 44

SC jumped on t op of Thomastown 21-10 in the

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