ECCC teams hoping to maintain, improve On one side ofth<' r·oin, basketball ing as champions will be a challenge. returning starters. Katherinn r_t'uvlor, a 5-10 forward season at East Cent, d Community "We will b e the target of .most Jenkins, a 5-9 forward from Air- from Carth fl(:•· and Sha Coleman, a 5- College will be about {1 .1 .unmg sue- everyone we play because we are the line High School in Bossier City, La. , 6 guard 1'1'111!1 Nt•wton County. cess,astheLadyWorni!•IHiri ve fora defending region champs ," said averaged 16.5 points and 7.1 When 1 'kr·d what he liked best repeat of their Rt•g11•;, J:J ch ampi- Smith, who begins his fourth season rebounds, and Dale, a 5-8 guard from about htH•,uphomores, Smith replied, onship last season. at the Lady Warrior helm. "But I Choctaw Central, had 14.6 points and "They huv• • (championship) ring!" On the flip side. t hil Wm·riors are hope we will not feel any added pres- 5.8 rebounds per contest. He said t h\ "'ophomores also under- hoping to find their ow) • tuct·ess after sure in trying to defend the title. Our Allison Phillips, a 5-8 forward stand "whi t! it. feels like to win a posting an 11-13 nllli'l\ during the sophomores are really focused on a from Leake Academy and Alisha region llllt),, and hopefully they can 2007-08 campaign. ' repeat." McAfee, a 5-5 guard from Northwest help tlw l••.i·•hrncn understand what L ady Warrior h• !II t:onch BiB The top returnees are Rashima Rankin also saw a lot of playing time Smith, who se 2007 IIH "!quad cap- J enkins and Mystee Dale, the only last year. Other sophomores a r e >See ECCC on 21

tured the Region 2:1 Iti l•• nnd finished 22-8, sai d h C' JH lool·t tt t,: f'urward to starting the• HI.'IIAIIII )Hjf, 1\ IIIIWEC I'I'Jif'lll • ,...--- - Lady Warriors r tL l'lllyllt' Pos Ht. Year •I I>••Silnuri Flpu! cs G 5'4" Fr. ·-· ')() Yolrn ulu -flllll'S G 5'3" Fr. I-- Sh,1 ( 'olt•lllHI1 II, G 5'6" So. I ~~ l(a'illlt1W .Jtonki ns lF 5'9" So. - ---- I r, Alit tntl Phtllips F 5'9" So. r- - c 20 l., uuL lnpl1~11. 5'4" Fr. 21 l\1yot,:•.J Oult.! G 5'8" So. 2~ ~i

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