Allison Phillip.,. a 5-8 forward from Leake Academy and Alisha McAfee. u 5 S guard fmm Northwest Rankin ul~o -.aw a lot ol pltlymg lime last year Other '>nphommes arc Kathcnn~;· T.t} lor ,, 'i I0 forward Jrom latihagc uml ~hat okllwll," 'I 6 guard from Nc\\ ton County When a...,kcd what he hked Oest about h•~ l)Ophomore~. Smith replied, "The) have a (champron)hip) ring!" He said the ~ophomorcs also undl!r stand ·'what it feel., like to win a region title... and hopctulty they can hdp the fre:-.hmcn undcr.tand what it will take to repeal... Se\cn fre~hmen are included on tim year's team, including guard~

Deshouri Spates (5-4) of St. Thomas Moore High School in l.afayctt~· 1.• 1 . Ynlanlln Jonl'" I 'i-JI of l.ake, L 1u1il~ lnplcll D ~~ ol Scnll C~;•ruml, Sicuu Croft (5-4) of Newton Countv and Alisha Griffin (5-6) of Kemper County. and forwards Danicllc Cole (5-81 of Philadelphia and Hannah Lee (5-11) of Leake Academy. Smith said the freshmen and ~oph­ omorc.-. are playing well a.<, a unit Serving her first year a' ~mrth\ assi~tam is former Lad) 'Warnor ~tanduut Kn:>tin 01aney of Dccatm~ Chane) ICCCivcd All-American, All-

Rcgiun · 2J, 2J 'lillltnamcnt , ,\It 'il:ll1 rutd AII.Stllr hctllllll\ 111 Husl C('ntrul, \\hen:. lilt lrclpl'd lc;nl 1hr. l Om-ft.t I:tilly W.111 ion; to r\!gioll :md Mitl<~ titles tutd .1 SI!(Ufld·pl;t~'~ lim.;h iu the ColNJiation Bnu:kl!l ol' the NIC1\A Di\ i~ion I Wouh:u'o; Bnskctlhlll Championship in Salirm, Kmt The I!CCC women, wru:hcd hy BraJ I JcxJgc, completed ~>Cason octwn \\ith a 3 1-4 record :md were •anketl eighth in the linal NJCt\t\ pc•ll. She wntinucJ hn -.ucccss 011 lh~: ha~t..ct· hall court at the lJniH t'!'oity ol Sout h l'l' ll J\11 l~cgiorr

Meridian, Jo:.eph Thompson (6-7) of Mlll tc1n and .lacoh Jordan (6-6) of C It• l1111· . ~N I 1 nullpkh• till' o,ophn lilOit~ clil'l~ nlld ill\.1 l!lm c~pec1r11 11 lllll.. l~ 0 llillr.ll'IICC this l>CLl'IWI Frt•\lullt~ll iucl111k~ g11.mb 1\~""" Cnprn. (fd) of 1\titlgcw:Hl'r•RWIUIII. N I • Antoruo Gmcc (5· ~~) Qf Nc\\ wn. An(frc Prtd1fortl !6·2) and Kcnn) l110111:1s (6.. 1), hoth of Jnd>M>n P11wiuc, Steve Edwmds 16-l) of Ncw\im nnd J:~coh M.111in (6-5) o t.ufoyctte, Ln.. nntl forward Chucky Cuny (ti-7) ol Ncw1on. llowtc S11id his goal' lor the sca...on ":u c 111 gt !1du;11c my kid~. develop young lllo.'n into rn~n. and '"1n lit lca.'>l no JX'Il'(•nt ol' our games. We ah.o w:url our ~"Y' to acl lil..e. practice like .md pl.1y hl..l• rharnp1ons.'' c co1ndru' G1llcylcn ~~ ~>erving his lu ·.t )l'olr '" Bowill\ a~~istant. An 1\ntCII )' n;lltvc, Glileylcn rs a fom1er ''~"'''·111111Wn ·, h~'kcthaJI coach at St. I'Alw:ud \ lllHVCI\ity 10 Au~tin. Texab. \\ hrr~· IK h.1d a ~tcll;u career. Ik twkt• rcccl\ cc.l "Dcfcno.;ive 1'1.1\ n ul' tlw Year" honvr.. and wru. ruuh·cl I•lth 111 the n.thon 111 stcalb tli :.!tJC K).()], lie '"" al'o t"WJCe named ' t)dcnsh·c Player ul tlk: Year'' a.t ltawaml•.• ClHtlllHHHty College, wb~:i-1; hi.~ pl.a)tXI for fcmner £TCC hc;ul coach 1\t.uly CtiC)IX!r,

Mt.'"il''>1p p r, wh~:•c ~Ill' ab.o l't:l: civcll num~·rous hon

Good Luck Teants ! Copper ltenu by Fire Oa~- 20% of//

Rowic s.ud he i' e~pCCiilll) plca-.cd With h1s guard'> :uHI Ito" much control they hring 111 1 he t'" II( in tlw11 mlc as ·•Jield gcn1.ralt'' Bow1c Mud Rico Jmw~. .r (~. 3 guard .tlsn from Forest, ha'> h.:i·ll "M1 { 'mN~tcnt · on and ofl tlw .:ou11 :nul 'i\ really gulllg to help u' dcm 11 thl'· nMd when we need that ••uphollrPh' leadership to ~>how up." Bnw1c ah o had prat~ ll•r his lOp rclumrn)• scorers from I:Jst )l'ill, Jo~lr l.ud.cu. a 6-5 guard/forwaul h f•lll C\trthagc. and Deva.rm "Sl't:~<•IC I " Walker. a 61 guard fmm Nl:wtn11 Cllullt}' llr!'h SchooL ForwmJ~ James StarH Hl·l)) ul




men·:-. s1dc. I hI r d y C .11 hc-tul t·oadt Mauti lC BOWil' l' XIX:\:h tw. W,u nc1r' to lllljll ll\l', lilt l:t'>l y~·.n'l> II I ~ r~·cord. Ik ha' g

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