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Wednesday, January 16, 2008 Polk coming to EC's Rrst-PitchDinner Special to The Record
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"Coach Polk is obviously one of the most success– ful college coaches in the nation," Holliman stated, "and we are cer– tain we will have a large crowd to hear him speak.
He guided the 2007 Bulldogs to their eighth appearance in the NCAA College World Series in Omaha, Nebraska, completing season action with a 38-22 record. The Diamond Dawgs advanced to the CWS after capturing the NCAA Tallahassee Regional and Starkville Super Regional Polk has also guided h is MSU squad to five regular season or tournament championships and 23 NCAA post season berths Polk's overall coaching record is 1,350·669-2 and his MSU mark is 1,U 6·557-2. He has twice been honored as National Coach of the Year and is See POLK, Page 2B
Longtime Mississippi State University baseball coach Ron Polk will be the featured speaker when East Central Community College holds its second annual First Pitch Dinner scheduled 'J:'uesday, J anuary 22, 2008, on the Decatur campus. ECCC head baseball coach Neal Holliman, who guided the 2007 Diamond Warriors to the MACJC State Championsh ip in his first year as head coach, invites the public to attend the baseball pre– season banquet, which begins at 6:30 p.m. in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for ages 12 and undet~
What Secon(i Annual First-Pitch Dinner for the East Central.Com munity CQIIege baseball. teqm ..
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When: Tuesday,
This is also a great opportunity for our fans to meet the 2008 Diamond Warrior team. We're looking forward to a great evening and are very excited about the upcoming season." Coach Polk is in his 29th season as the MSU baseball skipper and 35th year as a collegiate head coach.
Jan. 22. 6:30 p.m.
Where: East Central Community College cafetena. HoW MJcii: 'ntkctS ·are $20 ,for ad~ltS ~nd '$10 'for ages 12 aod under. Who: Mi~fppi State baseball coach Ron Polk.
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Polk from Pctgc 1B
Uinne1· or to purchase tickets contact Coach Neal Holliman. Phone 601-635 2111 or call toll free, 1-l:lT/ "? 162.:l222, ext. 374. His em:'li ~ address is~ nhollirmmfaieccc.edu. :5 Coach Holliman urge~ c( everyone to pm·chase ticJ. I: ets in advance to ensu, t ~ seating. _ _ :( ~ 0
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of Fame. East Central begins the :wos baseball season by hosting Alabama South– ern in double-header action beginning at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5 at the Clark-Gav Memorial Base– ball Complex. For more information on the ECCC First Pitch
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a member of the Ameri." can Baseball Coaches Hall of Fame. Mississippi and MSU Sports Halls of Fame, and the Georgia Southern University Hall
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