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EC takes two at Enterprise; swept
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FC trailed 46-37 at the break, but posted a 44-24 advantage over the fina l 20 minutes ltawamba ECCC women 86 69 Against ltawamba 1n Fulton. the Lady Warriors were outscored by 17 point~. Rash1ma Jenkins led the FC women with 22 points. Mystee Dale tossed in 19, All1son Phillips scored 12. and Hannah Lee added 11. The Lady Warrior~. 6-3, trailed 36-33 at halftime. ltawamba 75 ECCC men 68 r he lndi•ms. kd hy t~mn~.·•· ECCC head to:t~·h l\1arty Cn,lper, tftok the Wa~Tiors hy SC\'Cil pt1ints ul Fultoll \Ill Ire' I' i h.: hIiwd wtiS 1 he lop setH -
Allison Phillips of Leake Academy with SIX and Yolanda Jones of Lake with five. EC held a 40-26 advantagc at hdftunc. EC('C men 81 Entcrprise-Ozard 70 In thc men's contest. sophomore Josh Luckett poured m 26 points as the Warriors rallied for an 11-pomt win Luckl.!lt 1s a 6-foot-5 guard/for– w;ml from Canhagc. ,\J:;o scoring \\Cre R1co Jones of Fur~::t \\ith ll, Jacob Jordan w1th 10, \min.~· Pllchfllrd and Kenny Thomas with nine each. ,\ntonio c.race of Nc\\ lllll with li\'C, nnd D~:,ants "Scolltcr'' \\'nlh·r oi'Ncwton County md Jo.1mcs StJri,;s :or l\lcriili~~n \\'iih flllll ' t':lrh
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