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DiamondWarriors win three of four Th~ L1' Central Comm- unit> Co!lcge Dtamond Warnor. ol)encd

Diamond Warnors begm the :,cason:· said EC second-year I ead coach Neal Holl iman. "\\'c \\Cre plea ed with our etrorb and ft:cl ltkc we got otr to a good start beating a \CI") qualified opponent 111 Alabama Southt:rn." Also blasting home runs in adJiuon to Willian , a product of Tuscaloosa County lltgh chool, '"ere second baseman Jacob C a~e) of Union and ~ c~ ..- Chri-; Parkman. ')n lflstop Brwn Jones led ' ( · ·'1c platt: '' tth a double and l\\O ... inglc~. Wtlltams. Casey, and Parkman abo ~tngled. Casey abo 'l'On:J I\\ i~:c and had one RBI. Parkman collected two RBb and scored twice. Jonc... \\as credited with the \\in tn relict: lie allowed just one bit and no runs over the tina! ' 2 I 3 mmngs He fanned four battt:r:. and walked none. Jones also led EC at the

plate in the second contest wtth three singles and four RBls. Terrell Hendrix home– red and singled and knocked 111 four runs. R1ght fielder ZeErica llal l doubled and singled and added an RBI Williams and Parkman also had singles each. Hendrix scored four runs. Jared Clark got the \\Ill for EC. He allowed two mns on four hits in 2 2/3 tonings of middle relief. lie fanned two batters and walked none. Jones pitched the final 2 I 3 innings. aiiO\\ mg JUst two hits and no runs. lie fanned three batters. ECCC 9-7 Bevill State 6-9 EC split its doubleheader Saturday at Fayette. Ala. Shortstop Brian Jones, right lielder ZeErica llall, and catcher Chris Parkman had three hits each to lead EC. Jones had two doubles, a single and collected two R,Bls. He also scored t\\ tcc. f Iall was credited with a dou– ble and two singles. He also scored twtce and had one

RBI Parkman had three sin– gles and one RBL Deon Williams homered and smgled 1,;.) dnve in a pair of runs. Singles wen: also rt.:corded by Terrell llendrix. Robert \Vcstbrook. and Kyhc Mmg. Snuthpaw Ttmothy Maloney was the \\ mning pttcher, aiiO\\ mg five runs on nine hits through seven innmgs. t-.laloney 1anncd two batters and \\alkcd two. Davcn Willis got the save. He allowed one run on one hit, f~tnned two and walked one. In the second game. Hcndrtx \\.as the top hitter \'dlh a double and two sin– gles. Jones. Coleman, Westbrook. and Parkman also doubled. Smglcs were recorded by Luke Walker, Brandon Willtams. nnd Jack Edmonson. Coleman led m RBis with two. Car~.:y Miller took the loss for I C. allowmg six runs on five hits thmugh five tnnmgs.

thetr 2008 baseball from se


CARTHAGINIAN -------------------- SCOTT COUNTY TtMES ------------------- UNION APPEAL / ----------~-------------- VVlNSTON COUNTf JOURNAL ---------- SPIRIT OF MORTON ----------------------- OTHER ----------------~-------

NESHOBADEMOCRA!-----------– NEWTON RECORD ----------------- MERIDIAN STAR ------------------- CLARION-LEDGER-------- !MPACT __________________

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