l\'e\\ton Count\ grad Dc\arus "Scooter" Walker brings the ball t. ECCC's 61-58 loss to Pearl Rher last Thursda). upcour Ill Photo by Marty Stamper A que-,tionable intentional . foul
season finale at Decatur. Continued on 48... See Postseason...
call " 1 th 9.8 seconds remammg alim' cd Pearl Rl\er to close out the \\In o~cr the \\arnon. m Thursday's
Postseason... Continued from 38 ...
Dcvarus WaiJ..er led EC ( 11-14, 6-8) with 16 points. Darron Maxtion tossed in 15, Rod Lofton scored eight, Marquis Wilson had seven. and Des Morales and Josh Luckett both scored five. Pearl River (16-9, 9-5) got 12 pou11 11 •m Leburoo Weathers. I0 from Jovan''' eight each from Doma Smith and Lamarcu., Jackson, and seven each from Jeremy Stewart and Jeremy White.
1--C' fell bch1nd early. trailing the Wildcats 11-2 After pulling even at II, the Warners were dm~n 30-22 going mlo halftime. Pearl Riv'"r led 46-32 with just under 15 minutes to play. but EC battled to within two pomts ()ll three uifTerent occasions before running out of gas.
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