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Lady Eag es top EMCC, move into state semis East Central ladies eliminated by HCC from staff reports Meridian Commu111ty Col leg(• coach llilarv \lien ~~ud h~ would haVt.· p1 eit·rn•d to pia) ~onwonP other than Jivc~l Fast Mississippi in his tPclm 1 s fir<>t game in the ~IAC.Il Stnlt 1om namenl. I ut•ky for AIIC'n, his Lad:, Eagll'S w£•rc up to th chnl lengc. · 1\ICC got a game high ''6 ,points out of All American ~aDosha Strickl,md and the Lady Lagles pulkd awa\ in 1 second half to top I MCC &-1 in a quarterfinal round gan i the state tOUriH') at ltcl"Wamba ''Fin;t dav of the tourna t ... all the nl'rvt's and but hey, it wa tough, 1 All 1 aft<'r his nationally-rank< improved to 224 on th 'It \\as a n·•all:, go d m o us. St·ooba pl.l) t d V£ n Wt II in the fir~t hall .. we didn't rcallv start to pull aw:l\ until p1 olnbly tlw I0-minutP mark'' AIIPn saibounds from Zirconia Hopkms and 1 p mt ·rolll freshman lt I 1

~Ill's wom n art> Ill ction avmn this afternoon t. king 011 ~outhwc t Mis'>iss1ppi in a :semi final rontest at 1 30. E.MCC s wunwn fell to 11-14 '.1ht. MCC men ar al"o 111 actwn m the st>mis tonight. as tht• haglc \\Ill fa< c tht> nation c: fifth· I an ked team and ho t fla~vamba ut 7·45 p 111 • f'hP men's and \\On 1 l'hampionship garnt s Thursday. -Rocky lligginbutham Holmes women 74 East Central 69 . After'' back-and-forth battlt ~tth M~~ m<·r tlw ;\IAlJC South Dt\ rswu lead during tlw re>,l.!ular -.~.•·tson, I• c~st Ct ntral women ran into a tumbl'n block ' f lll'Sday night ell th( stat tournament in I ulton. Tlw Lady Bulid ) r Holme..;, \\ho ent n:d with I l-12mark on thE ason. w 1 th stood an t•arJy rhargt> from Ec~-; Centn1l and hung around long enough to make a late run tl nab a five point victory rue da\ After I a 1 Central kd througho.ut. HC( t 1 d tbe gam on a Bnttany I lanagan frt>t throw with !i:21 left From thert' the lad) \\ arriors ncv~.; 1 Jed agam. On lht• game. lorm• Choctaw CentnJI stan lout Mystee Dale lc>d :til scun rs wi h 20 l>"tl S'!uth l>h.iswn r nn •rup wi 1 still. qu~ltf} fo1 tit NJC!\A Regwn 23 1 ournc ment nf'xt ~eek in Clinton 1 h Lad} "ar nors are now 19-6 011 the st'ason. Holme i l11t: No 3


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Tl.w Lml} Joagk

hal ftnnc.

N of tpe ~orth Di~tsior


NEWTui'i REliURD ------- MERIDIAN STAR----~~~----- CLARION-LEDGER______ lMPACT _____________________

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