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East Central men Gulf Coast 65 62 The \\arriors now find them selves one win away from post– season play after l\tonday night'~ road win. ECCC won its third-~·ilraighl contest. improving to 11-13 owrall but mon· importantly 6-7 in the leag-ue standing. Co-Lin sits atop the South Divi– sion standings at 11-~. follo'Aed by :\kridian at 9-4 and Pearl River at 8-5. Should EC defeat visiting Pearl River Thur.,day night, the W~rrior" will qualify for the ~lACJC and HPgion 2~~ to•Jrna– ments.A loss to P('al Rivl'r final would t>nd the Warriors· "t:'ason. In thl \\in over Gulf Coast. Dcvaru~ "~cooler" WalkN and Josh Luckett were leading- scorers with 14 points each. EC led :~1-30 at the break. Thursday's regular season finale with Pearl River \\ill also serve as "Sophomore Apprccia tion Kight"' for both EC "quads. 'l11e women's conlt•sl begins at b p.m. following by men's action at 7:45p.m. -/rom school rfports JUCO TENNIS MCC East Central 11 0 \ leridian Community College's tennis team rolled past East Cen– tral Tuesday, \' East Central Jones County 8-8 The Lady Warriors scored three times in the bottom of the seventh inning to earn a split with a 9-8 win over the visiti.ng Lady Bobcats in Ot-l:atur. East Central's Shenique Brass was 4-for-4 with two doubles 'Ahile Emily Thrash had two singles, a double and two RBis in the second game. Whitnce Whitt- had two hits and one HBI, while Lindsey Stevens and Kristen Pillsbury also had RBis. Leah Dennis (1-0) got the win with three strikeout.;; in two innings of relief. Amber Smith started, giving up five runs (only two were earned) and striking out six in five innings. In the opener, Jones scored four runs in the second and fourth innings to take an 8-3 win. Thrash had a two-run homer for EC, while Haley Chipley sin– gled and doubled and Sondreia Hillie doubled and drove in one run. Codee Russell (0-1) took the loss on the hill. ECCC, which is now 2-2, goes to Itawamba Thursday. · -Rocky Higginbo!ham 3-9
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