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lead the wa) v;hile Tawayatha Evan, added 16 . With the v."UJ ' : '- ~ iorg~d. a. be atop the iAC. '- " th DIVISI?O standinl.!' v;ith _,· (.entral w1th both teanl' now ov;nin!:! 7-2 marks in di,·i,ion play \lake no mi... take. Ea:.t ~e?~al, io.; the team to beat in ur diVISIOn and we reall~ ;anted to make a statt:ment that e can play well ~t home 3 ~.,_~ ...· · lp-notch compe~­ tion. Alle~ , ~ .~. 1 think we d1d exact\\' tho: Overall. Mendian m.oved to 17-3 00 th~ ,•ear. iCC w1ll travel to meet Jone... Count) Thursday ni~hl Meridian men 63 East Central 61 \ler.c...... , Ea'!le... cor:npleted the .. weep in Monday's mghtcap, outla...tin!! Ea ... t CentraL by two poinb to impro 12-b ?v.e~all and &- 3 in lAC '- •uth DIVISIOn pla\. 0 . t The £ade... utilizEd a 3 -p01n outng from guard Re¢~ Huddle· ston to hang on for the wm. Huddle...ton. "ho h 1.., averaged 19 poinG on the ...ea...( n._ sc?red a game-hizh ?0 ... econM ali pomts to lead the Eade.:- . Behind Huddle... ton'~ 30, Mano Lucken arlded 10 and Otis \Villiams chipped in eight for the Eagles. For Ea't entral. now 10-10 overall and 3-6 in divbion p~ay, Davariu... Walker ,cored 22 p01nts while Darren Maxtion contributed 14.

. .. - - _;,__ __ ··-·-


NESHOBADEMOCRAr ________ NEWTON RECORD----- MERIDIAN STAR ....... ] _______ CLARION-LEDGER ________ IMPACT _ ________________

CARTHAGINIAN ----------------- .s.cOTT COUNTY Tlrf.ES ----------------- LrN ION APPEAL ----------------------- ViiNSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ____ SPIRIT OF MORTON -------------------- OTHER ___________________

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