
!! The deciding /actor itr coaclJ Holliman's recommendatioJZ ar,e his Prior experiettce at East Central and his familiaritv with recruiting i11 east A1issis;iphi E.CCC pre Dr. Ph Sut;~l- l l<>llimau from the ollwr nine applicants for the curn·nt positron. "The dt>ciding factors in coach Holliman·, r~.'connnendation ;we his prior experience at ~· ust C<>nlral and his famili

Communi!) to fill it... coach Warrior Holliman j a majorit) .....____ "LY' board


......vvnt CC baseball coach mmittee. which \\3, ~om· H rri..., Gloria John...on.Janw...

The 32-vear-old native of Aliceville. Ala., went on w· earn a Ma...tt:"r's Degree in Sports Admim..;tr 11ion from the University of Southern \fj,..,js,ippi. lie j.; marr icd to the former Tracv Black· burn of Deratur. · Yarboronghfavuritt• at Grenada Fonner ECt C head ha..;eball coach Jake Yarborough was expel'ted to be appr ~ a.... ht•ad baseball coac.:h at Grenada Hi~h Sch ol at Tlw~day's board llll'l'ting in Grenada. ··we ar(• t•xl'itt•d about gettinz :;,J~meoll€ tlw calib(•r of a Jake 'larborough: in:colrr.iJ:t.l Grenada atltll'lit·s drrcctor Dr. Rand} P , told the [)ail\ star ofGro.:nada. "He l·umt·, not only v.ith intere·t) 1 r - game. but also knov.ledge of the ~arne He

ce, and chair Terry Undc r· nded Holliman. along with Unh·er,ity pitching coach nder, to Sutphin. did ate' were n r) strong th virtually identical l'Oal'hing d backgrounds," Sutphin said. rdate would be in u position to -.f\11 program at the n>llt',i.!l'." rt turns to ECCC following u six·

~ear ttnt n a-. ... istanl coach at the Univcr- ity of \\ " Alabama in Livingston, Ala. At U\\A, h a... umed recruiting, bench coaching, practict' planning. and adminic;tra– tiw rt•sponsibilities. He \\3 an academic all-cunfercncc third ba ...emau and pitcher at L"\\A (lht•n Living~lou Univ rsity), before graduating in 1995.

See HDIIiman Page B3

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Yarbor ugh .~3. \HI hPad riJach at EL tor fiV( )'t.•ars ------ ,titer one vear s dn ns i-.l:lnt

COUNTY JOURNAl priur to cl.,rk',., death.

1'he Warrim:-- linisllc'd I :1 31 this pm;t o.;pring alll'l win ning the Rt•P-"ion 2:~ I >ivi~run I


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l'hampionship i11 20(),,, _______ ____; ··we

just really like th<-

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