EC teams take two at ICC
Coast and Hinds. "We start off at Co Lin and that·s not easy either. "But we're excited about it. I 10ld them J was proud of them and that \~as a testament to how hard thPy'\e worked. If we keep it going. maybe we'll get in the Top 20 next time." ECCC men 68 ltawamba 60 The Warriors handf'd the Indians their fir5t loss witll the eight-point win at the Rubberdome on No\. 21. ltawamba took an earlv 7-2 lead only to have the Warriors pull even ,tl 16 16. ECCC scored the final ~ix points of the half to take a 34 31 !Pad into inter miSSIOn The Warriors scored ll of the first 17 points of the second half to extend their lead to 45-37. The Indians closed to \\ ithin 55 53 with 6:40 remaining. but ECCC halted the comeback bid and took the 68 60 win. Johnny Hodge led ECCC with 18 points.
The East Central Communi!) College basketball teams rook a pair of road wins over Itawamba from Community College on blned Nov. 21 at Fulton. com The Lady Warriors reports improved to 5-3 with a 63-52 ''in, v. hile the \Varriors upped their rPcord to 8 0 with a 68-60 victorv. ThP Warriors were listed as receiv– ing votes in the Nov. 22 NJCAA men's poll It marks a rare appearance by the ECCC men on the national scene. "We've got a lot of work to do, but we're happy to be 8-0,'' ECCC men's head coach Steve Hampton said. "We· c played a lot harder the last two games. "I just hate that we \e had this lay– off. I don't want it to mess us up. \Ve were actually starting to play pretty good." ; The Warriors arc off this entire week~ and v. ill have a 13-day layoff before playing at Mississippi Delta on Dec 5. A road game at Northeast Mississippi on Dec. 8 will wrap up first-semester play. ECCC won't see action again until Jan. 5 whPn the Warriors host Itawamba "We've just got to make sure every– body stays eligibl~ and keep evervbod} healthy and in ~omewhat decent shape," Hampton said. "We've got two tough road games next week at Delta and Northeast. Ihe kids are working hard. We're doing a lot of good things. I told them when I got here that all I ever heard was that East Central men couldn't win. I thought it was time we changed that. 1 think we've proved you can win.\Vc've got it going in the right direction. we've just got to keep working. "There's a lot of people that have played teams from the South (Division) that have said if \\ e continue to play like \\-e are. we'll do tlne in the South. Of course, two of our first four (divi– sion) games are against two of the ~up posedly favorites in the South in Gulf
Earnesto Green 1nd Bryan Johnson both had 10 San Walton tossed ln seven and Rodney Turner 'icored six. "I guess they're 8 0 now.' ICC roach Marty Cooper said. "We couldn't stop Hodge off the dribble. He broke our defense down. His penetration to the basket thre\\ our defense out of \\hack and got shots for his teammates... Cooper previously was the head coach at ECCC. Titus Penro was ICC's leading ~c er \\ith 12 points. I arrirus Br(}}vn ha. \GINIAN 10. ~1ikE' HoweU had nine. A 19-0 run enabled the Lady I RECORD V\arriors to get the 11-point \ icwry. the fir~t half when the Lady Wanio1-. ·LEDGER started their game~winning run. Ita\\amba led 28-20 v.ith 1:26 left ECCC women Itawamba 52
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