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w,:a:r:t~ors hoping to get guaTcl play.from·key players tl


110 1c l>ominemx Hunter. 1!111llll Emily Massey of East Ranki ~~~~ nt·cd to step in for the Lad lij , 11 Puard this season. 1.1[1mc llaye~ of Provine will als ! ''.!" c l'nlml depth at guard. li!llllllrl.' Andrea Dubose will pla I li•1 the Lady Warriors. Elyse Cia~ 11 ('entral and Valerie Harris of Lak 1'do play forward for East Central a II. nJi11t> to Smith, the freshmen ~boul IC.IIll when they get adjusted. y Hll' having to adjust." said Smit: -~u·.t take a few galnes to get the !huy need to be.' 1~.1dy Warriors opened the seasc fi.C.I loss against Holmes last wee lit~ll..l'd average for our frrst gam( t!•ilh "We had a few problems w " I .uly Warriors will compete 1)""' 1on play against Pearl Rh I C<•a\ t, Jones, Southwest, Co-l lincl Meridian. li h always a year-to-year leagt •th ~utcl "We will have to watch fc !•I weeks to see how good it is. U ~ hn IS doing what it's hard to pic u-~ ..

By FWAN SATCHER \to// Reporter

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Thl E:a:-.t ('cntral Community College women R'turn a ~trong inside presence but w11l need to have several guards handle pressure to be successful this basketball sea– ;-on. The Lady Warriors return just two soph– omores and wtll need solid guard play from < vnal players thts season. " llopl'lully our guard play will help us," ~hiel J;< '( < coach Billy Smith. "Hopefully, ,ihcy w1ll hrlp lrl'C up the inside for Shannon l.lnyd .uul 'law Juthcc." Llthd .uul .luti11:C arc returning starters 1'01 1111 qu.ul tud the Lady Warriors will IIC(!CIHI he .11 II\ 1111 thl'll IIISidCplay. l,h•) ol ·~ ~ .1 It 111111 ,> \ilphomore center )epiu \\'~!.1 I. .• uck11l.1k ll lfh Judice is a 6- fn"' ~of•h•tiiiHit 1! 11111 I atayt'llt', LA. l'hc l) ul)• W.ulletl'. w1ll u y to slow the )1111\1) hllil ~~~·-~ 11 ..... lll•.u k pl.•y 111 he ~uc­ n·s~fultlei ~ ·1· • tOll " Wei ilh~ pllll'' lit ~~~~ pwchtllllllillllly a h.tll tlllll l te .lln litl S lieith w.- Will IIIII we whr n !' .111 lt11t \' • lt i~ t;itill)\ It• 11•ly 1111 gclllllf tht· hall Ill'·" " - To gt'l tlw h.lll Ill' tch\ 1!11~1 I ,. 1111.11 will need !\txld play 1111111 ~o~:wnll ••u.uels thjs year. Sophommc l.a•.. 1111HII 1 I hllll'.on wi ll

Squad members include, front, from left, student assistants Kasenda Overs111 • ·I Brandy Edwards and Lakeshia Bobbitt; seated from left, guards Tamika Trtplr 11 Constance Hayes and Amanda Schmidt; forward Andrea Dubose and gu11 t· l Heather Steele, LaSaundra Harrison and Emily Massey and standing from h·ll Princess Swilley, assistant coach; forwards Valerie Harris, Elyse Cl• ~ Dominatrix Hunter of Philadelphia, Shannon Lloyd, Sara Judice and Jc•:•,lt :n Anderson; guard Rosalind Jones and head coach Billy Smith.

Sophomore Heather Steele will alM•f!llt guard for the team along with guanJ/ft11" r•ro - -----------.1" ' .... iii

h.uulk Jlll'Sfturc at the point for the Lady Wa111111 '

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