
Region XXJli championship ~arne and the 'emifinals of the MACJC ~tate tournament thi pa t "Cason under H dg who wa~ nam{'d the n head coach at Birm– mi':nam-;~ll thern College in tn]une. I d a 31-4 .arn~nt•Pd to the nament XXIII

t .Sept. l

'\\e d1 u sed a n of option... and the b ard appro\ ed the earch for n applicant...," utphin srud of the men', coaching po itwn. Like ECCC, Smith. who b takinR over the women'::; head coaching dutie!' for the departed Brad HodRe, has his own rich tradition in female basketball. Prior to coaching the War– riors, the 23-year coaching

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Coach Smith is a real strong individual in our athletic department.

adding t\\ hj ... job title at Ea-..t Central C mmu 1t~ Colle~e.

ECCC prest dent !Jr. Phil Sut– phin announct:d the junior col– lege•-.. men's head ba-..kctball coach ior the last four sea-;on as the school's new women's head basketball coach on Tuesday.

ECce president Dr. Phil Sutphin


will be able to recruit our talent- '/... rich area and continue the rich tra- ~R 1 HAGINIAN __...:._______ ~~~~~~ti~a~o~~~~l ~asketball we ESrOBA DEMOCRAT - - - - -- Sutphin said ECCC has started a ~earch for a new men's basketball EWTON RECORD --- - ---- coach, and the school president said \./ he hopes to have a candidate to ERIDIAN STAR _.t./':.....:__ ____ _ _ See ECCC Page 03 LARION-LEDGER -~>(~---

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"Coach Smith W is a real strong individual in our ath– S letic department," Sutphin said. "He

IMPACT ____________

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