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ECCC has plenty of options DECATUR - If all goes according to plan. East Central Community College will have a new head women's basketball coach in 30 days. ECCC president Dr. Phil Sut– phin said the junior colleRc plan~ to announn· Thad Hodgp's suc– cessor by f\ug. 9. Hodge, who was the Lady War– riors' head coach for the past four seasons, ldt ECC'C for a -.imilar position at Birmingham-Southern College in late June. ECCC athletic director Tl•rry Underwood. coaching job prior to lea\'ing for his vacation, according to utphin. ~our biggest interest i to main– tain the intcgritv of the program." Sutphin said. "Mtcr yuu maintain the intcgrit} of the program. you look for qualit} athletes who are student:- and athlete::- who can come in and build a good team." The applicants fot· till' lwad coaching job will be reviewed by a five-person panel, and tlw list of potential head coaches will be nar– rowed to two candidates bv the paneL Sutphin will make the final decision on the new head women·s baske tball coach. Sutphin said the time lin e to hire a new coach is short bl·cau~e the fall semester i~ iasl approaching. "We debated to make it even quicker, with school right around the corne r," Sutphin said of the hiring process. "The v.lbmen's bas– ketball prol{ram is a pretty storied program, and we wanlt' d to be sure that folks who are interested would have the opportunity to apply." Hodge's succe.,sor at the helm of the Lady \~arriors' program will have a rich history to live up to at ECCC. By Tony Krausz sports editor who i-. al..:o the school'~ head football coach. had received five strong inquiries for the women's

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WHOSE NEXT? Former East Central Commun1ty College head women's basketball coach Brad Hodge claps his hands on the Sideline in this undated photo from the 2003-04 season. ECCC is currenlty searching for Hodge's successor as the head coach of the Lady Warriors' program, ,, o • • I 1- . A - 1"\ ___ _ ,...... ; __ ,._

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