Chaney honored again by NJCM Most limPs women won't react favorably if you call them a t\~~o·o-limer. by Kristin Ghaney, Marty ~10\ve~er, mig~t Stamper JUSt grve you a b1g smile if you call her one. ·r he 5-foot-4 East Central a 31-4 Region 23 champion team that finished eighth nationally at Salina. Kan. Chaney will sign a basket– ball scholirship with the University of Southern 'vtississippi on April 19. She ""ill also play softball at USM. That she excelled in softball
Community College sopho– more point guard was rccenlly named a second-team NJCAA All-American in basketball. That, along with second– team All-American status as a freshman on thP ECCC softball !Pam. puts Chaney in a rather s£ lect club of being a two-time NJCAA All· American in sepa– rate sports. As a sophomore, Chaney a\ craged 13. L points for the 20 l0 Region 23 runner-up Lady Warriors. She also aver– aged 4.3 assists and 4.2 rPbounds. i\s a freshman. Cha'ley avrraged 10.9 points, 2.2 assists, and 3.4 rebouuds on
at FCCC came as no surprise. The level her basketball game rose to is whole 'nether story. "I never dreamed I'd make it in basketball," the Little Rock legend said. "Coming from (Newton County) High School, our high school was a softball-oriented school instead of basketball. I've got to give (ECCC head) coach (Brad) Hodge a lot of credit for where I am and for getting All– American." Few thought success on the hardwood would come her Continued on 1 A... See Chaney...
Going to the NJCA \ national tou1 narnent as " freshman allowed Chane) to sec just how good athletes m the NJCAr\ from other stat " are and to appreciate her b c; ketball honor even more. "There's a lot or talent II juco. e~pccially on the natir a! !Ournament le\'el," Char ' said. .. It ·s unbclie\ able kids you will sec playing could have gone Di\ isi 1 but chosP to go he juco for some reason The tale just incredible Chaney can look fom many happy relums to Brackecn-\\Ood Phys cal cation Building O\ er the as her picture\\ ill soon
abot1Lthe time c~nd effort :-.he\ put illlo it throughout lwr years of playing. She obvious· ly \\as raised the right way. "We·re very excited and proud to be a part of that. .. Even Hodge was surprised by how well Chaney devel– oped on the court Never did I imagine she would do \\hat she has brought to this team." Hodge said. "Fifty-one wins in two years with her at the point guard says a lot. It \\'as not in my forethought that she would do that but that just shows you if you come and take advantage of situations and work hard every day. good things will happen. "In the process. she was sur– rounded bygood players too A lot goes to her lf'ammates being good teanmlales and willing to share the glory with her. Having good teammates took some of the pressure off her. Teams weren't able to attack
Chaney.. . Continued from 6A... way. Chaney said. UI know a lot of pe-ople thought I'd never step foot on the court at East Central," Chaney said. 'Tm glad I proved thPm wrong. r know I ve got a lot of critics that say I won't step foot at Southern, but I hope I can prove them \\ rong too "Right now. I'm the only point guard that they're bringing in along with the one they had last year. "Everybod} alway~ said that softball \\as my sport and it's just kind of natura I, espe– cially with my height." "That just shO\\ s you what kind of competitive student– athlete she is,.. Hodg~ said. "To be named second-team All-American thus far in two separate sports shows you what kind of athlete she is and what she's capable of doing.
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