JuniorCollege Tournament being held at Mississippi College's A.E. Wood Coli– seum on the Clinton cam– pus. Chaney, whose three– pointer sent the contest into the extra period tied at 57-57, had 31 points to lead the Lady Warriors who improved to 20-9. while the Lady Trojans - who won the state title last week- fell to 19-8. The ECCC women arc one win away from a econd– straight Region title. and will face ~orthwest Mis– sissippi Community Col– lege at 6 p.m. tonight in the championship contest. The winner advances to NJCAAA Women's Divt- It seemed on!) fitting fol– lowingWednesday night's dramatic win that the East Central Commumt)' Col– lege Lady Wamors would need a last-second :;hot in hopes ofcla1ming bad,-to– back Reg1on 23 Tourna– ment title . but Korrecce Bender 's three-pomter at the buzzer wa off the mark and ~orthwest Mis– sissippi Communlt] Col– lege held on for 58-55 de– cision in the champiOnship contest held Thursday night at Miss1ssipp1 College's A. E. Wood Coliseum m Clinton. ci.an...l...T.oJrnament sched- East Central , which ad– Latisha Brown led Delta with 14 pomb. ECCC Lady War riors Denied Con ecutive Region 23 Title

Sippi Delta Community College Lady Trojans in semi– final action. finished with a 20-10 record under fourth– year head coach Brad Hodge. Chancy had also launched a uccessful trey sending the contest into the extra pe– riod. The Lady Rangers are now 18-11 and wil l represent the state in the NJCAA Div1sion I Women's Basketball ChampiOnship scheduled the week of March 21 in Sahna, Kansas. T1erra Young ofSouth Leake Jed EC scorers in the title matchup with 16 points. Other point makers were Bender, of ew1on, who had 12 points; Roxana Rog– ers ofLake, nine; Kim Cox. also ofLake, eight; Chaney, a product ofNewton County High School. six; and Sh– annon Lloyd . four. Chaney and Neshoba Central prod– uct India Backstrom were named to the Region 23 All– Tournament Team.

"''ikita Taylor of Holly Springs led ~orth\\ est w1th 19 pomt and Candy Hall of Robmsom ille added 16. The cored wa:; tied 2 28 at halftime

\ anced to the title game after Kristin Chaney's tt ree-point buzzer-beater ga ·c the Lady Warriors a 75-74 overtime win over tho. state championMissis-

Lad> Warriors India Backstrom (left) ofNeshoba Central and New– ton County High School product Knsttn Chaney were named to the Regton 23 All-Tournament Team

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